Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #9810 on image #3351522

Background Pony #9810
[@Algebroot Neogears](/images/3351522#comment_10897745)
The> hardA pbart isand rebalizingl thaogether icost says$1.10. "tThe bat costs $1.00 more than the ball". and nHotw jmuch doest "the batll costs $1.00".?

LongThe hard explanart ion:

s A breat alizindg bthallt itogether costays $1.10. T"the bat costs $1.00 more than the ball." Hand nowt mjuch doest "the ballt cost?||s $1.00".

Longer explanation:

||This problem is basically:||

||(There is no emoji for baseball bat, so I'll use the wood emoji: 🪵.)||

||🪵 + ⚾ = $1.10
🪵 = ⚾ + $1.00
âš¾ = ?||
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #9810