
Deletion reason: Rule #6
Background Pony #0828
soooo you ran out of words to say and now resorting to memes to try to get even? C’mon mate. I want entertainment, this bores me!

Deletion reason: Rule #0
Background Pony #0828
@Background Pony #A04A
What’s that from?
No clue. Found it on giphy and just had to post, because it’s literally me right now, this is my entertainment, and I brought popcorn! Want some?!
Background Pony #0828
nah mate, what’s pathetic is you continuously try blatant attempts to rile up people. But now I’m just in it to see how much further you’re willing to go! C’mon, keep the comments coming, because clearly you’ve given up everything and now just trying to attack me! I wanna see what else you go strung up!

Manfred Von Richtofen
@Background Pony #A04A  
What’s that from?
Background Pony #0828

Deletion reason: Rule #6
Background Pony #0828
And now you see that he has in fact given up on refuting and doing anything that helps solve their previous arguments. Now they’re just in it for a fight. RIP. This has been fun!

@Background Pony #A04A
And there goes the tumbleweed for the most shit roast ever.
Background Pony #0828
I just HAVE to bring back this image again, because it’s still so relevant! Despite the hours of conversation, Flurries isn’t hesitant to just further prove our points again and again.
Mmmhm, yup sure. ;3

@Background Pony #A04A  
On second thought, how about you join him while I watch? Maybe that’ll provide some good entertainment.
Background Pony #0828
oh look feather, you’re really getting to them now, because they just can’t stop with the insults. Buddy, at any time you want us to bugger off, stop commenting?
You’re only continuously digging your self deeper with so much mindlessness that is your comments.
You keep complaining that “I’m not gonna waste time” but here you are, still being as…eventful as ever with your thoughtful shenanigans XD

And it is in your best interest just to bugger off. I’m through with all these allegations and I’d rather you get back to bending over (learn how to take a jab at that as well). I’m sure master has a good long stick waiting for you.
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
Dream Come True! - Participated in the MLP 9th Anniversary Event
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Condensed Milk - State-Approved Compensation

Gone to Ponybooru
You know, I was gonna say it, but then @Background Pony #A04A saved me the trouble. :3  
Thank you for that! ^^
Also, still waiting for you to address my arguments. At this point what you’re not saying and responding to is far more telling then what you are responding to. ;3

@Background Pony #A04A  
No, it’s because I’m not going to waste time refuting exaggerated allegations.
Background Pony #0828
…still channeling Rachel Sad-ow I see. Is she your spirt animal? :3” 1. I have no idea who that is. 2. Honestly, your traps do better talking than you do so don’t try and be all coy, boy.
I see you hand pick only sections and don’t try defending yourself with all the other stuff feather pointed out. Finally giving in?
“Honestly, your traps do better talking than you do so don’t try and be all coy, boy. “
And of course you target and shame. Because you have nothing better to do than still continuously throw mindless insults and further ignore all the valid points people tend to throw at you.

…still channeling Rachel Sad-ow I see. Is she your spirt animal? :3” 1. I have no idea who that is. 2. Honestly, your traps do better talking than you do so don’t try and be all coy, boy.
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
Dream Come True! - Participated in the MLP 9th Anniversary Event
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Condensed Milk - State-Approved Compensation

Gone to Ponybooru
Oh, no. You’re not playing that card. You can’t claim that I’m the egotist here if you’re gonna say that what you’re saying is the complete, honest truth. No, it’s what YOU believe is true and trying to twist it the other way around is just plain egotistical. I never said my word was fact here so that is blatant hypocrisy on your part.
Oh, here we go, the whole “He thinks his opinions are facts” strawman that comes up whenever objectivity is brought into a conversation.  
You know that objectivity is simply a method of analysis, yes? You do know that you don’t “achieve” objectivity, you just use it?  
You do know that objectivity doesn’t automatically make it “correct”, right? You can make a claim based on objectivity that is completely wrong, observe:
Ponies are made of Spaghetti because of how bendy they are and we never see them bleed, so they can’t have normal innards.
See? The claim is an objective one and is sourced with information from the show. Of course the claim is wrong and based on non-existent evidence but that’s the beauty of objectivity.  
When you use objective analysis, every statement lives or dies based on your ability to assess the content as it is, which does not change no matter what one thinks about it.  
You could use objectivity too. You just don’t for reasons that are blatantly obvious for anyone that has been following this discussion since you first junped into it. Because you could employ evidence from the show to support your positions because they whete based on what you felt, not on what is. Which is why after the first few posts you stopped even trying to refute my arguments and started insiting I was arguing in bad faith.
No, it’s because I’m not gonna waste anymore time arguing with someone whose being overly bitter and blowing this thing out of proportion. That’s why I said you could keep your bias. I didn’t specifically say keep it to yourself.
No, it’s because after the first few posts it became apparent you have nothing but feelings behind you. Your bias blinded you.
Damn, it’s like you can’t take hearing anything positive about this episode because you’re so hellbent on tearing it to shreds.
Why do you need to invent hypothetical “what ifs” to say anything “nice” about it? Doesn’t that tell you more than my words ever could?
No, just you and a couple others as I feel you were being overly bitter and blowing it out of proportion. A few does not equal everyone. Also, the same “ego” could apply to you as you’re really getting all wound up about this, more than me.
Stop playing internet mind reader and ascribing my motivations for me. You’re really bad at it and it’s coming off as projection.  
And uf you’re trying to convince me this isn’t about your ego, all your snide insinuations about my character in lieu of an actual argument are not helping your case.
No need as I’m tired of listening to all this complaining about you most likely bringing up the same stuff about Discord and whatever.
Well that’s fine, I know there’s at least one other pony is this chat that would probably love to hear it. I’ll refute the point anyway for their sake if nothing else.
I just don’t like sore bitterness is all. Plus, I never said that this episode was God-givenly perfect and I’m not going to emphasize like that. But don’t emphasize to me to try and make this episode look like the unholy pit of Hell.
…still channeling Rachel Sad-ow I see. Is she your spirt animal? :3
Background Pony #0828
“So I guess the word “hypocrite” is name calling? Not once did I guess any slang or swear words to insult so that’s complete raffle if you’re going to accuse me of name calling. Salty is the only term that could be considered slang, but even then, if you’re gonna get so wound up over that then that’s just oversensitivity.”
Ahh see you’re doing it again “you’re getting so wound up…” “Oversensitivity.” You continue to try and try to put words in my mouth and assume you know the emotions through text on a screen. Stop reading it as everyone attacking you.
“Oh, would “bitter” have sufficed better because that would have worked just as fine as it’s, once again, not entirely false in the attitudes displayed.”
Again, you’re reading it as that. You’re putting in emotions that are never there and assuming we’re all “salty” and triggered” and you keep calling it that to get a reaction. It’s a poor attempt.
“Look whose talking as 1. You were not part of the original conversation and 2. You are doing a similar thing, only with what, a slight alternation?”
Because I’m supporting his argument, I saw Feather’s stance and gave my own opinions about the way the show staff has went about Sombra. I’m stating my opinion to it. And you keep thinking we’re in rage and do blatant attempts to say we’re in the wrong, that we’re so “salty”, but that’s literally just you reading it as such.
And thus why we keep coming back at you because you literally can’t understand, you physically don’t seem capable to understand that these constant comments that are towards us from you, and very little effort to help refute what we’re saying about the show and sombra has gone null and void: right over your head.
“My main focus was how bitter you lot were being over this entire thing and I hardly strayed away from it and also “typically target just us”, don’t act like such a victim as I will address the parts that I see fit to address.”
Oh look, you did it again, trying to say we’re experiencing ‘this emotion and that emotion.’ “Oh you guys are so bitter about the topic” when you really are just thinking we are. Why do you keep stating it like that? To drive us away? You think by stating it as such, it’ll somehow ACTUALLY make us bitter, salty, and all these other pointless topics?
Hmmm, nah. I’m still pretty calm on the topic, and continue with every single reply to post what my thoughts are on the Sombra topic at hand after pointing out your flaws.
“don’t act like such a victim as I will address the parts that I see fit to address.”
and again…AGAIN you seem to think we’re so negative, we’re “victims” The parts you seem fit to address was rarely ever about the topic at hand other than to point out in a constant fashion that we’re insert emotion here as a constant topic. Hell, in the whole paragraph you’ve typed, nothing to refute what we’re been originally talking about.  
Hell, I had a whole major part about my stand on sombra and everything, but seems you’re so keen to make yourself the “good guy” with pretty poor attempts. Sorry, but when you start with the “You just triggered LUL” argument, you really just lose this case almost instantly, and constantly drag with nonsense like that.
“I can hold a sane conversation, I just don’t like listening to overly bitter fanboys blowing something out of proportion out of a show about magical talking horses”
reading* not listening.  
Also, (again with the bitter nonsense and you reading everyone as being bitter even though we’re not) I’m not a fanboy. I pointed out faaar long ago that I stopped watching the show years ago, and only have been paying attention to the Sombra bits because I wanted to see how much they messed him up (which they did) and read up on people’s opinions of it. But of course that went over your head, because you’re so indulged on trying to convince us that we’re “bitter, salty, children.”
“You can keep your thoughts about how DEEP the show is and all that jazz, I’m just here for entertainment purposes and so on and so forth.”
All this time, and that’s all I needed to read. You’re here to entertainment purposes only for the show. I can get that. I can respect that. THAT is how you refute.

“We’re talking about the objective truth about what transpired in the plot, and why it made us dislike the episode.” Oh, no. You’re not playing that card. You can’t claim that I’m the egotist here if you’re gonna say that what you’re saying is the complete, honest truth. No, it’s what YOU believe is true and trying to twist it the other way around is just plain egotistical. I never said my word was fact here so that is blatant hypocrisy on your part.
“Which is why you only bothered trying to actually argue the point up until you got stuck at a point you knew you couldn’t defend any further.” No, it’s because I’m not gonna waste anymore time arguing with someone whose being overly bitter and blowing this thing out of proportion. That’s why I said you could keep your bias. I didn’t specifically say keep it to yourself.
“it was nothing but poorly consturc6ted excuses provided to justify why you liked the episode.” Damn, it’s like you can’t take hearing anything positive about this episode because you’re so hellbent on tearing it to shreds.
“you went full Ego Defence Force and started accusing everyone else of arguing in bad faith.” No, just you and a couple others as I feel you were being overly bitter and blowing it out of proportion. A few does not equal everyone. Also, the same “ego” could apply to you as you’re really getting all wound up about this, more than me.
“I’m still not done deconstructing your arguments btw. If you’d like, when I get home I can explain why the statement “Sombra was closer to Victory in this episode then ever before” is very very wrong, but I’m at work atm so you’ll have to wait a bit for that, sorry. :P” No need as I’m tired of listening to all this complaining about you most likely bringing up the same stuff about Discord and whatever.
“Just please do everyone a favour and stop accusing people of acting in bad faith because they didn’t like something you liked.” I just don’t like sore bitterness is all. Plus, I never said that this episode was God-givenly perfect and I’m not going to emphasize like that. But don’t emphasize to me to try and make this episode look like the unholy pit of Hell.
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
Dream Come True! - Participated in the MLP 9th Anniversary Event
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Condensed Milk - State-Approved Compensation

Gone to Ponybooru
Your attempts to ignore the conversation at hoof whilst claiming everyone else is just an salty-meanie pants who can’t keep “muh bias” in check whilst you yourself are using feelings in what is, fundamentally a discussion about facts is growing very tiresome.
Do you know why that is? Because you jumped into a discussion about the objective issues with the episode episode armed with nothing but subjective opinions. Which is why you only bothered trying to actually argue the point up until you got stuck at a point you knew you couldn’t defend any further. So you fell back on this statergy of insisting everyone is a rabib fanboy who doesn’t appreciate your input because we’re too busy being salty and blinded by our bias.  
The reality is that your “input”, as you called it, was worthless because it was nothing but poorly consturc6ted excuses provided to justify why you liked the episode, as if we’re doing this whole thing just to upset you. We’re not, for the record.  
We’re talking about the objective truth about what transpired in the plot, and why it made us dislike the episode. You are the one that couldn’t control your own bias, making very poor defences of the episode, only to have them swiftly deconstructed. Instead of gracefully accepting you might have been letting personal feelings cloud your judgement, you went full Ego Defence Force and started accusing everyone else of arguing in bad faith.  
I’m still not done deconstructing your arguments btw. If you’d like, when I get home I can explain why the statement “Sombra was closer to Victory in this episode then ever before” is very very wrong, but I’m at work atm so you’ll have to wait a bit for that, sorry. :P
Just please do everyone a favour and stop accusing people of acting in bad faith because they didn’t like something you liked.  
And they can demonstrate why with objective analysis.

@Background Pony #A04A  
“some people like to have decent conversations, you know, ones where someone isn’t in it for the soul purpose to name calling. But I guess that’s a difficult concept to grasp?” So I guess the word “hypocrite” is name calling? Not once did I guess any slang or swear words to insult so that’s complete raffle if you’re going to accuse me of name calling. Salty is the only term that could be considered slang, but even then, if you’re gonna get so wound up over that then that’s just oversensitivity.
“Oh, and it wasn’t just the “salty” comment that’s laughable and really made us think you really don’t want to have a civil conversation.” Oh, would “bitter” have sufficed better because that would have worked just as fine as it’s, once again, not entirely false in the attitudes displayed.
“If you care to put some thought process in what you say, or even take a second to scroll through your comments, you constantly try to “belittle” us and ignore the conversation. You continue to drag on and on. Not only drag on, but you clearly single out sections of our comments, and throw in more hate to typically target just us, and not stick to the original discussion.” My main focus was how bitter you lot were being over this entire thing and I hardly strayed away from it and also “typically target just us”, don’t act like such a victim as I will address the parts that I see fit to address.
“you’ll notice I’ve been constantly pointing out things wrong with the “new” sombra, and you ignore it, and continue to nag nag nag.” Look whose talking as 1. You were not part of the original conversation and 2. You are doing a similar thing, only with what, a slight alternation?
“But that’s my two bits on Sombra, and above else: your sour attitude and how you really can’t be taken seriously and why we continue to ignore your points, because you can’t hold a sane conversation without name calling and just being ridiculous.” I can hold a sane conversation, I just don’t like listening to overly bitter fanboys blowing something out of proportion out of a show about magical talking horses. You can keep your thoughts about how DEEP the show is and all that jazz, I’m just here for entertainment purposes and so on and so forth.
Background Pony #0828
“So basically, me delivering just a simple “salty” was such a turnoff that they couldn’t recover from? What an excuse.”
some people like to have decent conversations, you know, ones where someone isn’t in it for the soul purpose to name calling. But I guess that’s a difficult concept to grasp?
Oh, and it wasn’t just the “salty” comment that’s laughable and really made us think you really don’t want to have a civil conversation.
If you care to put some thought process in what you say, or even take a second to scroll through your comments, you constantly try to “belittle” us and ignore the conversation. You continue to drag on and on. Not only drag on, but you clearly single out sections of our comments, and throw in more hate to typically target just us, and not stick to the original discussion. I’m willing to bet you’re going to do it again. If you even pay attention to anything, you’ll notice I’ve been constantly pointing out things wrong with the “new” sombra, and you ignore it, and continue to nag nag nag. It’s pretty exhausting, but now I think you’re only replying to get the last laugh. Now, onto the topic at hand:
“But in that same series, he reformed and I thought that some of you lot were sick of all these reformations and would have probably stirred up even more drama, so…what gives?”
That’s your mistake to think everyone is the same. Not everyone is. People have varying opinions and trying to judge everyone as a whole doesn’t make the slightest bit of sense. Because of how “some” people feel reforming is bad, doesn’t mean that everyone feels that way. And not once did I even hint that was how I felt about him. My thoughts on the comics:
I didn’t mind his reform at all. His conflicts and attitude to what he dealt with in the comics was believable. It was in all honest justifiable with what he did. It made me, as a reader, actually feel sympathy for the villain, and thus made the reformation justifiable.
The show on the other hand, ignores plot and character development to bring a pompous king who really was only evil for the sake of being evil. It never tells of what he is, why he’s evil, what is up with the crystal empire and him hating it so much, and more. The show is just “I want to conquer…that’s it.” There’s no justification, no story as to why he’s the way he is. Least Starlight Glimmer had reasons to be evil, they actually gave her character.
But that’s my two bits on Sombra, and above else: your sour attitude and how you really can’t be taken seriously and why we continue to ignore your points, because you can’t hold a sane conversation without name calling and just being ridiculous.