Roll for Initiative - For Patreon supporters
A Lovely Nightmare Night - Celebrated the 12th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
The Power of Love - Given to a publicly verified artist with an image under their artist’s tag that has reached 1000 upvotes
Princess of Love - Extra special version for those who participated in the Canterlot Wedding 10th anniversary event by contributing art.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Thread Starter - OC Tag Description Requests
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
The Magic of Friendship Grows - For helping others attend the 2020 Community Collab
Dream Come True! - Participated in the MLP 9th Anniversary Event
Silver Bit -

TagZombie: AC15, Atk +8
@Wild Stallions  
Your flat earth comparisons sound an awful lot like projection.
Big Mac has been in a stable relationship for almost 3 full seasons at the time of this wedding (70 episodes, to be exact). Hard to Say Anything explicitly made that clear:
Apple Bloom: This is so excitin’! My big brother has his very first crush!
Scootaloo: First crush? What about Cheerilee?
Sweetie Belle: It doesn’t really count when you trick a pony into drinking a love potion, does it?
Big McIntosh: [angrily] Nnope!
So let’s go back and look at the other possible ship teases:
Season 3’s Just for Sidekicks  
This is probably the best piece of evidence they may have gone on a date since the events of Hearts and Hooves Day. It’s also the only piece.
Season 4’s Filli Vanilli  
The last cheerimac ship tease chronologically, this was entirely one-sided. It was 140 episodes prior to the wedding. It seems possible that perhaps they were dating at the time, a continuation of the picnic tease last season. Or maybe Cheerilee just has a weakness for deep voices.
Season 6’s Where the Apple Lies  
In a flashback, teenage Big Macintosh casually glances at 80’s Cheerilee for a moment. The next time we see the two of them interact chronologically is Hearts and Hooves Day, where they act like they’ve just met for the first time. There’s clearly no attraction, just embarrassment over the kids trying to hook them up.
Crusader Clubhouse - various  
Plastered over the wall in the clubhouse are photos of all the Crusader adventures and misadventures. It’s an odd photo because if you want to assume they are dating when it was taken, you would think they would be facing the camera. Seems more likely to just be a random shot taken when they were standing together.
It’s possible after all this time Cheerilee still has a thing for him, per the Filli Vanilli swoon. It’s clear that if there was anything between them, Mac broke it off offscreen. Same with Marble Pie. Maybe they’re just terrible bakers.
Wild Stallions
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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@Wild Stallions
Seriously, you keep trying to bring that up because your arguments are weak.
Bullshit. My argument is sound and shared by many others posted here. Yet like some die-hard Flat Earth lunatic, you stick your fingers in ears and attempt to trivalise them. Either you are willfully ignorant, or you’re trying to excuse poor and consistent writing by the show’s staff, or I’m sorry to say you’re just a moron at this point.
Copper Knight

@Wild Stallions  
Seriously, you keep trying to bring that up because your arguments are weak. Look, I get it, you wanted some anime harem shenanigans for clearly your favorite character but they weren’t going to pull that. Most people don’t like the harem bull. Especially now.
Cheerilee were minor characters. Big Mac was a side character. We were never going to get much there, and they weren’t going to taint the relationship they gave him with the BS you want to see. Partly because it’s super annoying and partly because it destroys Cheerilee and Marble’s characters. In the case of Cheerilee, it would also destroy the moral of that episode anyway.
Wild Stallions
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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@Copper Knight  
Do you think the Earth is flat too?
Copper Knight

  1. No I didn’t.
  2. Terrible excuse there and doesn’t even matter because that’s still how it is.
  3. Okay, no, your example is terrible. It was used to troll them because, no they aren’t pursuing the relationship. They were making fun of the CMC. Clearly your ability to interpret scenes also leaves much to be desired along with your inability to tell the difference between good and bad writing.
Wild Stallions
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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  1. It was a poor joke.
You brought it on yourself.
Big Mac is.
Only through shoehorned script writing.
  1. It’s circumstancial because most of your evidence is “Big Mac and Cheerilee were seen together so it’s meant to be romantic despite the premiere of their relationship saying NO.” The closest I’ve agreed is Cheerilee’s swooning at his singing. Period.
You love falling back on the Hearts and Hooves episode, here’s a transcript of the very last scene in that episode.
Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle: [sigh]  
Apple Bloom: Hey there, Miss Cheerilee! What are you doin’ here?  
Cheerilee: Since you three are doing all of his chores, Big Mac and I thought we’d have a picnic at the gazebo. Ready, sugar bear?  
Big McIntosh: Eeyup, pumpkin pie.  
Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle: [gasp] NOOOOO!!!

These closing statements hint at Big Mac and Cheerilee pursuing a relationship, which has been hinted throughout the series with all those background cameos of them together, and especially the shot of Big Mac checking Cheerilee out and Cheerille swooning as you put it at his swinging.
So from my chair, their relationship is still on the table and has never properly address when his relationship with Sugar Belle was started. If you continue to dismiss this as “circumstantial”, then you are in the same category as Flat Earth idiots and Holocaust deniers.
Copper Knight

  1. It was a poor joke.
  2. It’s not a love triangle or love square because there’s no chance for the other girls. Flat out. Big Mac is in a relationship. The antics in other series works because they are not properly within a romantic relationship. Big Mac is.
  3. It’s circumstancial because most of your evidence is “Big Mac and Cheerilee were seen together so it’s meant to be romantic despite the premiere of their relationship saying NO.” The closest I’ve agreed is Cheerilee’s swooning at his singing. Period.
Wild Stallions
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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  1. It was a joke. You objected to my comparison by bringing up the irrelevant gender-bending moments in Ranma 1/2, when my comparison was purely about how the series handles the protagonist’s many fiancees and wannabe lovers.
  2. You’re right, there is no love triangle. More like a love square. Don’t blame me, the show staff brought it up with all the past references.
    3-4. You are not pointing out my evidence is “circumstantial”, you are attempting to trivialize it.
Copper Knight

  1. You don’t seem to know the difference between gender bending and cross dressing….
  2. But there’s no love triangle. You are trying to create one.
  3. Big Mac and Cheerilee established at the end of Hearts and Hooves Day that they are friends with a history and they do, in fact, hang out occasionally. Every time the two are together on screen - outside of her acting fangirl to Big Mac’s “voice” - the two are literally just walking and standing together. As for Marble, Big Mac had no reason to give her a second thought. They met once and it was one to two years ago.
  4. There’s a difference between denying facts and pointing out that your “evidence” is circumstantial at best.
Wild Stallions
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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@Background Pony #94C1  
The petition was apparently created last year, aiming to get Big Mac and Sugar Belle to break up canonically. I can understand not warming up to SugarMac, but sending death threats is - to say the least - disproportionate retribution.
Background Pony #7452
@Wild Stallions  
So to repeat this in an easy way some people actually sign a petition for sending death threat to Jim or for another easy way they say yes to this whole death threat.
Wild Stallions
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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  1. I was focusing solely on the romance themes in that anime. Though, if you want to bring the gender bending aspect of it into this discussion.  

  2. All romance stories with multiple lovers and love triangles and the like have some form of “bicker” or “confrontation” in some form. But it can end on more positive note. Maybe with the girls eventually coming to accept it and wish them all the happiness in the world.
  3. Again, read my post: “All we get to justify this new relationship is a passing mention that “it doesn’t count if you trick a pony into drinking a love potion”, that might have cut it, if not for all the subsequent episodes we’ve seen Cheerilee and Big Mac together without the potion.” And ending Marble Pie’s relationship with a shot of her heartbroken is beyond tragic. At the very least, you’d have to agree it could have been handled better. I definitely would not call that “resolved.”  
    And again, my question still stands. What does that scene say about Big Mac?
  4. Don’t deny inconvenient facts and I won’t liken you to people who claim the Earth is Flat. Because denying facts inconvenient to their stupid beliefs is exactly what they do.
    On a slightly different subject, I just found this disturbing news. Obviously, I’m not a fan of the news concerning Big Mac and Sugar Belle’s wedding either. At least not without resolving the issues of his past relationships first. But this petition update article is very disturbing.
Aug 26, 2019 —
if you haven’t seen the news from Twitter: Big Jim aka Jim Miller received death threats from the leaks and even over the spoiler reveal on the end.
Whoever you are from the supporters: Good job especially for what the staff deserved for making our beloved Sugar Belle from being stolen by Big Macintosh
if its not one of you guys: you should go find that episode on The Big Mac Question to see if it is what we think it is but DO NOT SPOIL IT IN PUBLIC just view it yourself and see if does involve another SugarMac episode and just go directly at wherever the site was at on Big Jim tweeted his image on receiving a threat email and demand a change to break them up already
I’m not sure what’s more frightening. The death threats or the fact that the petitioner is actually applauding the attacker over his hatred of SugarMac. Even I wouldn’t do something like that!
Copper Knight

  1. Ranma is a terrible choice to use as “good writing” when there’s a lot of terrible bullshit involved. But that’s also a part martial arts, part gender bender, part romance anime which is totally different.
  2. You are still having them bicker for Big Mac. If they don’t believe they can “win” him then it’s pointless, if they do think they can win him then they are trying to destroy his relationship with Sugar Belle even if they lose in the end.
  3. Cheerilee and Marble are resolved by the fact that they are not with Big Mac and Cheerilee was cut off from the start (“Doesn’t count if it’s from a love potion”) and Marble by virtue of her just losing. Nothing more needs to happen there since they are extremely minor characters. Marble especially had one episode with him and never saw him again for three seasons. To put it frankly, she’s minor enough that her feelings don’t matter to the story. She gets heartbreak, we see she lost and isn’t an option. Ship sunk. End of story. We don’t need anymore.
  4. Your stupid flat earth comparison is just that - stupid. Don’t try and insult my intelligence with the dumb people that argue the Earth is flat just because you aren’t actually thinking things through because you are hung up on other inconsequential ships.
Wild Stallions
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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@Wild Stallions
What you want is stupid. Extremely stupid. You want Cheerilee and Marble to - I guess in a fit of jealousy - try to sabotage Big Mac’s relationship and him their own? Do you not realize how much you just destroyed their characters with that single stupid idea?
Nice quote mine. You missed what I had said before that.
What I would really like to see is some closure on these past relationships. I don’t expect to see big mac and sugar belle breakup, but maybe see her, Cheerilee and Marble Pie all fight for Big Mac’s affections.”
I said ‘maybe’ see them fight for him. I.e. one of many suggestions. Alternatives could see some scenes of them meeting and coming to a resolution of some kind. That could follow a feud between the girls or a confrontation or it might not. There are so many ways it could have gone, but it would at least end the relationships on a more positive and happy note for the two ex-girlfriends than what we got previously.
Have a look in the comments of my post. A few others had the same sentiments as I concerning the need to end Marble and Cheerilee on a more positive note.
And, no, the episode with the love potion said “No” to CheeriMac and Best Gift Ever says that Marble is getting nowhere either. Both possibilities were shot down right away. They’re done. They’re resolved.
Do you think the Earth is round? I’m just curious. Have people been to space? Is the Space Station real or is that just CGI?
Explain how this is revolved?  

Or this.  

Hell, if you’re going to argue that the girls “fighting for his affections” would ruin Cheerilee and Marbles characters, what does the above screenshot say about Big Mac’s character?
What you want is, in fact, melodramatic terrible writing. No wonder you’ve been complaining about the writing in recent seasons, you don’t know what good writing is.
I’ll have you know I’m quite a well versed reader and writer. Some of the best love stories in fiction involve multiple girls or guys in love with the one character. For lack of a better example, remember FlutterShy’s unplanned guests?

The one on the far right is the protagonist from an anime series in which he has multiple girls chasing after him and fighting his fiancee for his affections, some of which he regards as a friend some not so. Not to mention multiple male antagonists trying to defeat him and take said fiancee for themselves.
Copper Knight

@Wild Stallions  
What you want is stupid. Extremely stupid. You want Cheerilee and Marble to - I guess in a fit of jealousy - try to sabotage Big Mac’s relationship and him their own? Do you not realize how much you just destroyed their characters with that single stupid idea?
And, no, the episode with the love potion said “No” to CheeriMac and Best Gift Ever says that Marble is getting nowhere either. Both possibilities were shot down right away. They’re done. They’re resolved.
What you want is, in fact, melodramatic terrible writing. No wonder you’ve been complaining about the writing in recent seasons, you don’t know what good writing is.
Wild Stallions
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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Deletion reason: Rule #0
Copper Knight

@Wild Stallions  
Seriously, it was resolved. Big Mac loves Sugar Belle, not Cheerilee or Marble. Marble had heart break, the end. Cheerilee and Big Mac established from their first episode together that they are platonic friends with a possible history. The end.
What is it exactly do you want? Big Mac rejecting them? Shoe horning in some love interest for them? Talking to Sugar Belle about her being lucky or something?
Wild Stallions
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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@Background Pony #37EF  
I’m hoping whoever’s posting these screenshots is being stingy and there is a resolution prior to the wedding that hasn’t become a spoiler yet. But I’m not holding my breath.
Background Pony #DC91
@Copper Knight
Again, as long as the comic books are being written, I’m still holding out hope for proper closure for Marble Pie, even in the form of a one-shot story.
In fact, the comic books could cover characters and storylines between the time skip that could not be covered in Season Nine.
Roll for Initiative - For Patreon supporters
A Lovely Nightmare Night - Celebrated the 12th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
The Power of Love - Given to a publicly verified artist with an image under their artist’s tag that has reached 1000 upvotes
Princess of Love - Extra special version for those who participated in the Canterlot Wedding 10th anniversary event by contributing art.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Thread Starter - OC Tag Description Requests
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
The Magic of Friendship Grows - For helping others attend the 2020 Community Collab
Dream Come True! - Participated in the MLP 9th Anniversary Event
Silver Bit -

TagZombie: AC15, Atk +8
@Background Pony #37EF  
Chapter books are over & done, comics are not.
Copper Knight

@Background Pony #37EF  
Those can do it, but it just wouldn’t….fit for the show.
Background Pony #DC91
@Copper Knight  
As long as the comic books and chapter books are being written, I’m still holding out hope for a proper closure for Marble Pie. At least for now she has a beautiful niece in the end.
Copper Knight

@Background Pony #37EF  
Honestly speaking, without an episode or arc dedicated to it….Marble being with someone else would just feel like a “give the girl someone else so there’s no hard feelings with the other boy” kind of deal. She just didn’t have enough…presence in the show to make her with someone else feel natural.
Background Pony #DC91
@Copper Knight  
Still, it would be nice to see Marble Pie moving on from her heartbreak in Best Gift Ever. Maybe the comic books will give her closure and a happy ending…
Jade Da Pegasus
Crystal Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.

Simply adorable. ^^