Revision history for Onion Service

Princess Luna<div class="walloftext"> <p>It's possible to browse Derpibooru using a Tor hidden service.</p> <p>With Tor, you can bypass censors in your country or filters in your service provider's network. Using our hidden service address allows you to use end-to-end encryption within the Tor network rather than relying on an exit node to not be censored.</p> <h2>Points to note</h2> <p>Because we can't identify users by IP address when using the hidden service, it exposes the site to abuse. To counter this, we require that you make an account and sign in before you can interact with the site.</p> <p>You'll get a certificate error when connecting, as some modern web features require the use of HTTPS, and we don't yet have a HTTPS certificate issued for the hidden service address. You'll have to manually approve the certificate if using Tor Browser Bundle.</p> <p>The hidden service will be slower than using the site directly. However, it will work regardless of censors as long as you're able to connect to the Tor network.</p> <h2>Service Address</h2> <p>The hidden service website can be accessed <a href="https://derpinxghr4jpjk4h4acjxyrx4rcwtk7ggjyt32uyaxgodqq7cfewuqd.onion">here</a>. </p> </div>
Princess Luna<div class="walloftext"> <p>It's possible to browse Derpibooru using a Tor hidden service.</p> <p>With Tor, you can bypass censors in your country or filters in your service provider's network. Using our hidden service address allows you to use end-to-end encryption within the Tor network rather than relying on an exit node to not be censored.</p> <h2>Points to note</h2> <p>Because we can't identify users by IP address when using the hidden service, it exposes the site to abuse. To counter this, we require that you make an account and sign in before you can interact with the site.</p> <p>You'll get a certificate error when connecting, as some modern web features require the use of HTTPS, and we don't yet have a HTTPS certificate issued for the hidden service address. You'll have to manually approve the certificate if using Tor Browser Bundle.</p> <p>The hidden service will be slower than using the site directly. However, it will work regardless of censors as long as you're able to connect to the Tor network.</p> <h2>Service Address</h2> <p>The hidden service website can be accessed here: <a href="https://derpinxghr4jpjk4h4acjxyrx4rcwtk7ggjyt32uyaxgodqq7cfewuqd.onion">https://derpinxghr4jpjk4h4acjxyrx4rcwtk7ggjyt32uyaxgodqq7cfewuqd.onion</a> <p>The hidden service website can be accessed <a href="https://derpinxghr4jpjk4h4acjxyrx4rcwtk7ggjyt32uyaxgodqq7cfewuqd.onion">here</a>. </p> </div>
byte[]<div class="walloftext"> <p>It's possible to browse Derpibooru using Tor Onion Services (aka Hidden Services).</p> <p>The advantage of onion services is that by using the Tor anonymity network, you can bypass censors in your country or filters in your service provider's network.</p> <p>Using an Onion Service as opposed to browsing Derpibooru through the Tor Browser Bundle allows you to have end to end security within the Onion network rather than relying on an exit node to not be censored.</p> <p>It's possible to browse Derpibooru using a Tor hidden service.</p> <p>With Tor, you can bypass censors in your country or filters in your service provider's network. Using our hidden service address allows you to use end-to-end encryption within the Tor network rather than relying on an exit node to not be censored.</p> <h2>Points to note</h2> <p>Because we can't identify users by IP address when using Onion Services, it exposes the site to abuse. To counter this, we require that you make an account and sign in before you can interact with the site. You can register from the Onion Service as you normally would, or log into an existing account.</p> <p>You'll get a HTTPS error when connecting as we don't have a HTTPS certificate issued (yet!) for the Onion addresses. You'll have to manually approve the certificates if using Tor Browser Bundle.</p> <p>The Onion Service will be slower than using the site directly. However, it will work - regardless of censors - so long as you're able to connect to the Tor network.</p> <p>Because we can't identify users by IP address when using the hidden service, it exposes the site to abuse. To counter this, we require that you make an account and sign in before you can interact with the site.</p> <p>You'll get a certificate error when connecting, as some modern web features require the use of HTTPS, and we don't yet have a HTTPS certificate issued for the hidden service address. You'll have to manually approve the certificate if using Tor Browser Bundle.</p> <p>The hidden service will be slower than using the site directly. However, it will work regardless of censors as long as you're able to connect to the Tor network.</p> <h2>Service Address</h2> <p> The main website can be found here: <a href="https://ronxgr5zb4dkwdpt.onion">https://ronxgr5zb4dkwdpt.onion</a> <p>The hidden service website can be accessed here: <a href="https://derpinxghr4jpjk4h4acjxyrx4rcwtk7ggjyt32uyaxgodqq7cfewuqd.onion">https://derpinxghr4jpjk4h4acjxyrx4rcwtk7ggjyt32uyaxgodqq7cfewuqd.onion</a> </p> </div>
Arcaire<% content_for(:robots, true) %><h1>Onion Service</h1> <div class="walloftext"> <p>It's possible to browse Derpibooru using Tor Onion Services (aka Hidden Services).</p> <p>The advantage of onion services is that by using the Tor anonymity network, you can bypass censors in your country or filters in your service provider's network.</p> <p>Using an Onion Service as opposed to browsing Derpibooru through the Tor Browser Bundle allows you to have end to end security within the Onion network rather than relying on an exit node to not be censored.</p> <h2>Points to note</h2> <p>Because we can't identify users by IP address when using Onion Services, it exposes the site to abuse. To counter this, we require that you make an account and sign in before you can interact with the site. You can register from the Onion Service as you normally would, or log into an existing account.</p> <p>You'll get a HTTPS error when connecting as we don't have a HTTPS certificate issued (yet!) for the Onion addresses. You'll have to manually approve the certificates if using Tor Browser Bundle.</p> <p>The Onion Service will be slower than using the site directly. However, it will work - regardless of censors - so long as you're able to connect to the Tor network.</p> <h2>Service Address</h2> <p> The main website can be found here: <%= ::Temple::Utils.escape_html((link_to 'https://ronxgr5zb4dkwdpt.onion', 'https://ronxgr5zb4dkwdpt.onion')) %> </p> <div class="walloftext"> <p>It's possible to browse Derpibooru using Tor Onion Services (aka Hidden Services).</p> <p>The advantage of onion services is that by using the Tor anonymity network, you can bypass censors in your country or filters in your service provider's network.</p> <p>Using an Onion Service as opposed to browsing Derpibooru through the Tor Browser Bundle allows you to have end to end security within the Onion network rather than relying on an exit node to not be censored.</p> <h2>Points to note</h2> <p>Because we can't identify users by IP address when using Onion Services, it exposes the site to abuse. To counter this, we require that you make an account and sign in before you can interact with the site. You can register from the Onion Service as you normally would, or log into an existing account.</p> <p>You'll get a HTTPS error when connecting as we don't have a HTTPS certificate issued (yet!) for the Onion addresses. You'll have to manually approve the certificates if using Tor Browser Bundle.</p> <p>The Onion Service will be slower than using the site directly. However, it will work - regardless of censors - so long as you're able to connect to the Tor network.</p> <h2>Service Address</h2> <p> The main website can be found here: <a href="https://ronxgr5zb4dkwdpt.onion">https://ronxgr5zb4dkwdpt.onion</a> </p> </div>
Princess Luna<h1>Onion Service</h1> <% content_for(:robots, true) %><h1>Onion Service</h1> <div class="walloftext"> <p>It's possible to browse Derpibooru using Tor Onion Services (aka Hidden Services).</p> <p>The advantage of onion services is that by using the Tor anonymity network, you can bypass censors in your country or filters in your service provider's network.</p> <p>Using an Onion Service as opposed to browsing Derpibooru through the Tor Browser Bundle allows you to have end to end security within the Onion network rather than relying on an exit node to not be censored.</p> <h2>Points to note</h2> <p>Because we can't identify users by IP address when using Onion Services, it exposes the site to abuse. To counter this, we require that you make an account and sign in before you can interact with the site. You can register from the Onion Service as you normally would, or log into an existing account.</p> <p>You'll get a HTTPS error when connecting as we don't have a HTTPS certificate issued (yet!) for the Onion addresses. You'll have to manually approve the certificates if using Tor Browser Bundle.</p> <p>The Onion Service will be slower than using the site directly. However, it will work - regardless of censors - so long as you're able to connect to the Tor network.</p> <h2>Service Address</h2> <p> The main website can be found here: <%= ::Temple::Utils.escape_html((link_to 'https://ronxgr5zb4dkwdpt.onion', 'https://ronxgr5zb4dkwdpt.onion')) %> </p> </div>
liamwhite1<h1>Onion Service</h1> <div class="walloftext"> <p>It's possible to browse Derpibooru using Tor Onion Services (aka Hidden Services).</p> <p>The advantage of onion services is that by using the Tor anonymity network, you can bypass censors in your country or filters in your service provider's network.</p> <p>Using an Onion Service as opposed to browsing Derpibooru through the Tor Browser Bundle allows you to have end to end security within the Onion network rather than relying on an exit node to not be censored.</p> <h2>Points to note</h2> <p>Because we can't identify users by IP address when using Onion Services, it exposes the site to abuse. To counter this, we require that you make an account and sign in before you can interact with the site. You can register from the Onion Service as you normally would, or log into an existing account.</p> <p>You'll get a HTTPS error when connecting as we don't have a HTTPS certificate issued (yet!) for the Onion addresses. You'll have to manually approve the certificates if using Tor Browser Bundle.</p> <p>The Onion Service will be slower than using the site directly. However, it will work - regardless of censors - so long as you're able to connect to the Tor network.</p> <h2>Service Address</h2> <p> The main website can be found here: <%= ::Temple::Utils.escape_html((link_to 'https://ronxgr5zb4dkwdpt.onion')) %> <%= ::Temple::Utils.escape_html((link_to 'https://ronxgr5zb4dkwdpt.onion', 'https://ronxgr5zb4dkwdpt.onion')) %> </p> </div>
liamwhite1<h1>Onion Service</h1> <div class="walloftext"> <p>It's possible to browse Derpibooru using Tor Onion Services (aka Hidden Services).</p> <p>The advantage of onion services is that by using the Tor anonymity network, you can bypass censors in your country or filters in your service provider's network.</p> <p>Using an Onion Service as opposed to browsing Derpibooru through the Tor Browser Bundle allows you to have end to end security within the Onion network rather than relying on an exit node to not be censored.</p> <h2>Points to note</h2> <p>Because we can't identify users by IP address when using Onion Services, it exposes the site to abuse. To counter this, we require that you make an account and sign in before you can interact with the site. You can register from the Onion Service as you normally would, or log into an existing account.</p> <p>You'll get a HTTPS error when connecting as we don't have a HTTPS certificate issued (yet!) for the Onion addresses. You'll have to manually approve the certificates if using Tor Browser Bundle.</p> <p>The Onion Service will be slower than using the site directly. However, it will work - regardless of censors - so long as you're able to connect to the Tor network.</p> <h2>Service Addresse</h2> <h2>Service Address</h2> <p> The main website can be found here: <%= ::Temple::Utils.escape_html((link_to 'https://ronxgr5zb4dkwdpt.onion')) %> </p> </div>