Viewing last 25 versions of post by SomeDerpibooruUser in topic Concerned Users of Derpibooru


I am utterly shooketh by these biased results in the last poll and being banned for posts pointing out that mods said there would be little leniency for calling staff bastards much longer. I have a cousin who is a cop. They’re one of the nicest people I know. They do not have a racist bone in their body and put their life on the line almost every day to protect the public. I already stated upon seeing the second last rule iteration that I had no problem with ACAB images being permitted because I should just be using filters if I don’t want to see it!

But when people make posts of a pony with ACAB written on the image I don’t think their primary purpose is humor. It is just an unironic and inflammatory message being spread around this site. If that is okay, as I think it should be, then why the fuck are mods banning blatant edgy humor? The idea that someone is going to be turned into a nazi because of an edgy my little pony image is insane. I think it is much, **much** more likely that the unironic posts labeling all cops as bastards are going to wind up contributing to the next person who winds up being killed or injured for refusing to comply with police “because they’re scared too” or even the next Micah Xavier Johnson mass murderer. It’s a two-way street. You cannot allow genuine spite directed at the people who uphold peace in the first world while claiming you must ban edgy humor for people’s safety.

I had become pretty accepting of the idea of somewhat more censorship, but now the behavior of the staff has made me completely 180. I do not think the staff are trying to be reasonable (Especially after their sudden announcement of no longer grandfathering images). I no longer agree any image that has been a part of any poll should be against the rules. It is all just jokes and edge. There is no way it should be banned. Especially the """nazi""" imagery when people are unironically preaching hate towards cops and edge lords, as well as legitimately attempting to get this site taken down and pressure people into boycotting artists they disagree with.
No reason given
Edited by SomeDerpibooruUser