Viewing last 25 versions of post by Taivastiuku in topic [Userscript] Derpibooru Explorer

The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

The aim of Derpibooru Explorer is to make finding new quality images on Derpibooru easier. This is achieved by providing recommendations depending on user's context and by enhancing Derpibooru user experience with navigational improvements and visual notifications.


Preview video":](

*Example recommendations** (first image is current image)

*Rarity being Trixie*

*me gusta*

Currently recommendations are:
- Images that are similar to current image based on tags and faves of images
- Artists that are similar to current artist based on tags and faves of each artist's images
- ~~Highlights:~~ newest images that are similar to current users profile

Navigational improvements consist of adding keyboard navigation, a queue for images and visual notifications. The queue is useful for avoiding opening dozens of browser tabs while browsing through recommendations.

Chrome + Tampermonkey
Firefox + Greasemonkey



v1.6.0** - Fix queue and similar images and adjust for new derpibooru styling. Let derpibooru javascript handle interactions for faving and voting. Remove hats and video mode as they are broken. Remove highlights as they cannot be generated anymore without significant fixes to the recommender.
*v1.5.3** - Fix for changed derpibooru styling
*v1.5.2** - Handle changes in Interactions API and window.booru
*v1.5.1** - Add queue navigation to native /related/
*v1.5.0** - POST image data if no recommendations can be made with cached data. This allows making recommendations if there are 24 or more tags and faves combined even when cached data is stale.
*v1.4.2** - Update changed CSS class names
*v1.4.1** - Fix some error handling, layout of tag cloud.
*v1.4.0** - Enable voting from thumbnails, handle deleted similar images.
*v1.3.1** - Don't hardcode the domain.
*v1.3.0** - Refactor how APIs are used, paginated queue view.
*v1.2.1** - Use derpibooru API to fetch fave and vote info for recommendation thumbnails. Removed stars altogether.
*v1.2.0** - Add view for inspecting queue
*v1.1.7** - Add thumbnail enhancements to /lists/ urls and "Queue All" button to /images/ and /lists/ metabar.
*v1.1.6** - Add and remove significant white spaces to work with new styling.
*v1.1.5** - Configuration option to remove stars.
*v1.1.4** - Queue button toggles item in queue instead of adding
*v1.1.3** - Keyboard faving bugfix
*v1.1.2** – Remove ’Q’ from small thumbnails, short filenames for direct image links.
*v1.1.1** - Direct image link in thumnbail frames, support small thumbnails.
*v1.1.0** - Highlights, festive hats and privacy policy changes.


Highlights can be accessed from the top-right menu and contains the newest images in derpibooru with only images that current user might like.

Privacy policy was changed as highlights require username for user specific filtering. Username is only sent as part of query if this feature is used.

Hats for christmas holiday (can be disabled from config)!

*v1.0.0** - Initial release

This userscript adds queue navigation, similar images search, similar artists search, newest images that user might like, some keyboard shortcuts and visual notifications to Derpibooru.

User can add images to queue from image thumbnails and navigate to the next image in the queue by pressing 'e'.

When viewing a single image user is given thumbnails of images that are similar to current image. Spoilered tags and hided tags are spoilered and hided respectively. More similar images may be fetched using a provided button.

When viewing an artist tag image listing the user gets a list of similar artists.

User can access highlighted images from top-right menu. This view contains newest images that are similar to users profile.

When viewing a single image user can press '1', '2' or '3' to toggle fave, upvote or downvote respectively on current image. A visual notification is displayed.

*Known Issues (v. 1.6.0)*
Templates used by Derpibooru Explorer generate CSP warnings due to use of 'unsafe-eval'.

Dataset is not real time and most updates to it are only partial.
- First recommendation is often same as the current image/artist.
- Newest images won't get any similar images and won't show up in similar images lists. Same applies to artist similarity.

Recommendations list doesn't provide all the Derpibooru functionality.
- Number of comments is not displayed.
- Spoilers display a list of spoilered tags instead of image spoiler.
- Images behind spoilers cannot be inspected with mouse hover or click.

Keyboard shortcuts do not guarantee that the action was successful
- The notification is displayed even if the action fails.

Highlights could be better
- No pagination.
- Might not work well if user has low number of faves.
- Update only every few days

*Privacy Policy*
Recommendations are based on public data fetched from Derpibooru API and on performance data collected from users of API.

All users are given a session token. This token, along with requests and responses related to it, are saved by and are used for evaluating and improving service.

Session tokens expires when user logs in, logs out or is logged out automatically. User's local storage is used for storing session token and username to provide this functionality.

Local storage is also used for storing other state information of this script, like the state of the image queue.

Highlights feature uses current users username as query. Otherwise this script does not send usernames, user_ids, passwords or other personal information to or 3rd party services. Hiding, spoilering and showing favourites is done purely on client side and is based on public data from Derpibooru API and Derpibooru page that the user is currently viewing.

All assets are downloaded from over a secure connection and the main script "derpibooru_explorer.js" makes secure queries to to fetch recommendations. No requests are made to 3rd party services.
Reason: v1.6.0 fix all the things, except scrapped features
Edited by Taivastiuku
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

The aim of Derpibooru Explorer is to make finding new quality images on Derpibooru easier. This is achieved by providing recommendations depending on user's context and by enhancing Derpibooru user experience with navigational improvements and visual notifications.

"Preview video":

*Example recommendations* (first image is current image)

*Rarity being Trixie*

*me gusta*

Currently recommendations are:
- Images that are similar to current image based on tags and faves of images
- Artists that are similar to current artist based on tags and faves of each artist's images
- Highlights: newest images that are similar to current users profile

Navigational improvements consist of adding keyboard navigation, a queue for images and visual notifications. The queue is useful for avoiding opening dozens of browser tabs while browsing through recommendations.

Chrome + Tampermonkey
Firefox + Greasemonkey



*v1.6.0* - Fix queue and similar images and adjust for new derpibooru styling. Let derpibooru javascript handle interactions for faving and voting. Remove hats and video mode as they are broken. Remove highlights as they cannot be generated anymore without significant fixes to the recommender.
5.3* - Fix for changed derpibooru styling
*v1.5.2* - Handle changes in Interactions API and window.booru
*v1.5.1* - Add queue navigation to native /related/
*v1.5.0* - POST image data if no recommendations can be made with cached data. This allows making recommendations if there are 24 or more tags and faves combined even when cached data is stale.
*v1.4.2* - Update changed CSS class names
*v1.4.1* - Fix some error handling, layout of tag cloud.
*v1.4.0* - Enable voting from thumbnails, handle deleted similar images.
*v1.3.1* - Don't hardcode the domain.
*v1.3.0* - Refactor how APIs are used, paginated queue view.
*v1.2.1* - Use derpibooru API to fetch fave and vote info for recommendation thumbnails. Removed stars altogether.
*v1.2.0* - Add view for inspecting queue
*v1.1.7* - Add thumbnail enhancements to /lists/ urls and "Queue All" button to /images/ and /lists/ metabar.
*v1.1.6* - Add and remove significant white spaces to work with new styling.
*v1.1.5* - Configuration option to remove stars.
*v1.1.4* - Queue button toggles item in queue instead of adding
*v1.1.3* - Keyboard faving bugfix
*v1.1.2* – Remove ’Q’ from small thumbnails, short filenames for direct image links.
*v1.1.1* - Direct image link in thumnbail frames, support small thumbnails.
*v1.1.0* - Highlights, festive hats and privacy policy changes.


Highlights can be accessed from the top-right menu and contains the newest images in derpibooru with only images that current user might like.

Privacy policy was changed as highlights require username for user specific filtering. Username is only sent as part of query if this feature is used.

Hats for christmas holiday (can be disabled from config)!

*v1.0.0* - Initial release

This userscript adds queue navigation, similar images search, similar artists search, newest images that user might like, some keyboard shortcuts and visual notifications to Derpibooru.

User can add images to queue from image thumbnails and navigate to the next image in the queue by pressing 'e'.

When viewing a single image user is given thumbnails of images that are similar to current image. Spoilered tags and hided tags are spoilered and hided respectively. More similar images may be fetched using a provided button.

When viewing an artist tag image listing the user gets a list of similar artists.

User can access highlighted images from top-right menu. This view contains newest images that are similar to users profile.

When viewing a single image user can press '1', '2' or '3' to toggle fave, upvote or downvote respectively on current image. A visual notification is displayed.

*Known Issues (v. 1.46.10)*
Templates used by Derpibooru Explorer generate CSP warnings due to use of 'unsafe-eval'.

is not real time and most updates to it are only partial.
- First recommendation is often same as the current image/artist.
- Newest images won't get any similar images and won't show up in similar images lists. Same applies to artist similarity.

Recommendations list doesn't provide all the Derpibooru functionality.
- Number of comments is not displayed.
- Spoilers display a list of spoilered tags instead of image spoiler.
- Images behind spoilers cannot be inspected with mouse hover or click.

Keyboard shortcuts do not guarantee that the action was successful
- The notification is displayed even if the action fails.

Highlights could be better
- No pagination.
- Might not work well if user has low number of faves.
- Update only every few days

*Privacy Policy*
Recommendations are based on public data fetched from Derpibooru API and on performance data collected from users of API.

All users are given a session token. This token, along with requests and responses related to it, are saved by and are used for evaluating and improving service.

Session tokens expires when user logs in, logs out or is logged out automatically. User's local storage is used for storing session token and username to provide this functionality.

Local storage is also used for storing other state information of this script, like the state of the image queue.

Highlights feature uses current users username as query. Otherwise this script does not send usernames, user_ids, passwords or other personal information to or 3rd party services. Hiding, spoilering and showing favourites is done purely on client side and is based on public data from Derpibooru API and Derpibooru page that the user is currently viewing.

All assets are downloaded from over a secure connection and the main script "derpibooru_explorer.js" makes secure queries to to fetch recommendations. No requests are made to 3rd party services.
Reason: v1.6.0 fix all the things, except scrapped features
Edited by Taivastiuku
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

The aim of Derpibooru Explorer is to make finding new quality images on Derpibooru easier. This is achieved by providing recommendations depending on user's context and by enhancing Derpibooru user experience with navigational improvements and visual notifications.

"Preview video":

*Example recommendations* (first image is current image)

*Rarity being Trixie*

*me gusta*

Currently recommendations are:
- Images that are similar to current image based on tags and faves of images
- Artists that are similar to current artist based on tags and faves of each artist's images
- Highlights: newest images that are similar to current users profile

Navigational improvements consist of adding keyboard navigation, a queue for images and visual notifications. The queue is useful for avoiding opening dozens of browser tabs while browsing through recommendations.

Chrome + Tampermonkey
Firefox + Greasemonkey



*v1.5.3* - Fix for changed derpibooru styling
2* - Handle changes in Interactions API and window.booru
*v1.5.1* - Add queue navigation to native /related/
*v1.5.0* - POST image data if no recommendations can be made with cached data. This allows making recommendations if there are 24 or more tags and faves combined even when cached data is stale.
*v1.4.2* - Update changed CSS class names
*v1.4.1* - Fix some error handling, layout of tag cloud.
*v1.4.0* - Enable voting from thumbnails, handle deleted similar images.
*v1.3.1* - Don't hardcode the domain.
*v1.3.0* - Refactor how APIs are used, paginated queue view.
*v1.2.1* - Use derpibooru API to fetch fave and vote info for recommendation thumbnails. Removed stars altogether.
*v1.2.0* - Add view for inspecting queue
*v1.1.7* - Add thumbnail enhancements to /lists/ urls and "Queue All" button to /images/ and /lists/ metabar.
*v1.1.6* - Add and remove significant white spaces to work with new styling.
*v1.1.5* - Configuration option to remove stars.
*v1.1.4* - Queue button toggles item in queue instead of adding
*v1.1.3* - Keyboard faving bugfix
*v1.1.2* – Remove ’Q’ from small thumbnails, short filenames for direct image links.
*v1.1.1* - Direct image link in thumnbail frames, support small thumbnails.
*v1.1.0* - Highlights, festive hats and privacy policy changes.


Highlights can be accessed from the top-right menu and contains the newest images in derpibooru with only images that current user might like.

Privacy policy was changed as highlights require username for user specific filtering. Username is only sent as part of query if this feature is used.

Hats for christmas holiday (can be disabled from config)!

*v1.0.0* - Initial release

This userscript adds queue navigation, similar images search, similar artists search, newest images that user might like, some keyboard shortcuts and visual notifications to Derpibooru.

User can add images to queue from image thumbnails and navigate to the next image in the queue by pressing 'e'.

When viewing a single image user is given thumbnails of images that are similar to current image. Spoilered tags and hided tags are spoilered and hided respectively. More similar images may be fetched using a provided button.

When viewing an artist tag image listing the user gets a list of similar artists.

User can access highlighted images from top-right menu. This view contains newest images that are similar to users profile.

When viewing a single image user can press '1', '2' or '3' to toggle fave, upvote or downvote respectively on current image. A visual notification is displayed.

*Known Issues (v. 1.4.1)*
Dataset is not real time and most updates to it are only partial.
- First recommendation is often same as the current image/artist.
- Newest images won't get any similar images and won't show up in similar images lists. Same applies to artist similarity.

Recommendations list doesn't provide all the Derpibooru functionality.
- Number of comments is not displayed.
- Spoilers display a list of spoilered tags instead of image spoiler.
- Images behind spoilers cannot be inspected with mouse hover or click.

Keyboard shortcuts do not guarantee that the action was successful
- The notification is displayed even if the action fails.

Highlights could be better
- No pagination.
- Might not work well if user has low number of faves.
- Update only every few days

*Privacy Policy*
Recommendations are based on public data fetched from Derpibooru API and on performance data collected from users of API.

All users are given a session token. This token, along with requests and responses related to it, are saved by and are used for evaluating and improving service.

Session tokens expires when user logs in, logs out or is logged out automatically. User's local storage is used for storing session token and username to provide this functionality.

Local storage is also used for storing other state information of this script, like the state of the image queue.

Highlights feature uses current users username as query. Otherwise this script does not send usernames, user_ids, passwords or other personal information to or 3rd party services. Hiding, spoilering and showing favourites is done purely on client side and is based on public data from Derpibooru API and Derpibooru page that the user is currently viewing.

All assets are downloaded from over a secure connection and the main script "derpibooru_explorer.js" makes secure queries to to fetch recommendations. No requests are made to 3rd party services.
Reason: v1.5.3 fix for changed deripibooru styling
Edited by Taivastiuku
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

The aim of Derpibooru Explorer is to make finding new quality images on Derpibooru easier. This is achieved by providing recommendations depending on user's context and by enhancing Derpibooru user experience with navigational improvements and visual notifications.

"Preview video":

*Example recommendations* (first image is current image)

*Rarity being Trixie*

*me gusta*

Currently recommendations are:
- Images that are similar to current image based on tags and faves of images
- Artists that are similar to current artist based on tags and faves of each artist's images
- Highlights: newest images that are similar to current users profile

Navigational improvements consist of adding keyboard navigation, a queue for images and visual notifications. The queue is useful for avoiding opening dozens of browser tabs while browsing through recommendations.

Chrome + Tampermonkey
Firefox + Greasemonkey



*v1.5.2* - Handle changes in Interactions API and window.booru
*v1.5.1* - Add queue navigation to native /related/
*v1.5.0* - POST image data if no recommendations can be made with cached data. This allows making recommendations if there are 24 or more tags and faves combined even when cached data is stale.
*v1.4.2* - Update changed CSS class names
*v1.4.1* - Fix some error handling, layout of tag cloud.
*v1.4.0* - Enable voting from thumbnails, handle deleted similar images.
*v1.3.1* - Don't hardcode the domain.
*v1.3.0* - Refactor how APIs are used, paginated queue view.
*v1.2.1* - Use derpibooru API to fetch fave and vote info for recommendation thumbnails. Removed stars altogether.
*v1.2.0* - Add view for inspecting queue
*v1.1.7* - Add thumbnail enhancements to /lists/ urls and "Queue All" button to /images/ and /lists/ metabar.
*v1.1.6* - Add and remove significant white spaces to work with new styling.
*v1.1.5* - Configuration option to remove stars.
*v1.1.4* - Queue button toggles item in queue instead of adding
*v1.1.3* - Keyboard faving bugfix
*v1.1.2* – Remove ’Q’ from small thumbnails, short filenames for direct image links.
*v1.1.1* - Direct image link in thumnbail frames, support small thumbnails.
*v1.1.0* - Highlights, festive hats and privacy policy changes.


Highlights can be accessed from the top-right menu and contains the newest images in derpibooru with only images that current user might like.

Privacy policy was changed as highlights require username for user specific filtering. Username is only sent as part of query if this feature is used.

Hats for christmas holiday (can be disabled from config)!

*v1.0.0* - Initial release

Chrome + Tampermonkey
Firefox + Greasemonkey


This userscript adds queue navigation, similar images search, similar artists search, newest images that user might like, some keyboard shortcuts and visual notifications to Derpibooru.

User can add images to queue from image thumbnails and navigate to the next image in the queue by pressing 'e'.

When viewing a single image user is given thumbnails of images that are similar to current image. Spoilered tags and hided tags are spoilered and hided respectively. More similar images may be fetched using a provided button.

When viewing an artist tag image listing the user gets a list of similar artists.

User can access highlighted images from top-right menu. This view contains newest images that are similar to users profile.

When viewing a single image user can press '1', '2' or '3' to toggle fave, upvote or downvote respectively on current image. A visual notification is displayed.

*Known Issues (v. 1.4.1)*
Dataset is not real time and most updates to it are only partial.
- First recommendation is often same as the current image/artist.
- Newest images won't get any similar images and won't show up in similar images lists. Same applies to artist similarity.

Recommendations list doesn't provide all the Derpibooru functionality.
- Number of comments is not displayed.
- Spoilers display a list of spoilered tags instead of image spoiler.
- Images behind spoilers cannot be inspected with mouse hover or click.

Keyboard shortcuts do not guarantee that the action was successful
- The notification is displayed even if the action fails.

Highlights could be better
- No pagination.
- Might not work well if user has low number of faves.
- Update only every few days

*Privacy Policy*
Recommendations are based on public data fetched from Derpibooru API and on performance data collected from users of API.

All users are given a session token. This token, along with requests and responses related to it, are saved by and are used for evaluating and improving service.

Session tokens expires when user logs in, logs out or is logged out automatically. User's local storage is used for storing session token and username to provide this functionality.

Local storage is also used for storing other state information of this script, like the state of the image queue.

Highlights feature uses current users username as query. Otherwise this script does not send usernames, user_ids, passwords or other personal information to or 3rd party services. Hiding, spoilering and showing favourites is done purely on client side and is based on public data from Derpibooru API and Derpibooru page that the user is currently viewing.

All assets are downloaded from over a secure connection and the main script "derpibooru_explorer.js" makes secure queries to to fetch recommendations. No requests are made to 3rd party services.
Reason: v1.5.2 move install link higher
Edited by Taivastiuku
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

The aim of Derpibooru Explorer is to make finding new quality images on Derpibooru easier. This is achieved by providing recommendations depending on user's context and by enhancing Derpibooru user experience with navigational improvements and visual notifications.

"Preview video":

*Example recommendations* (first image is current image)

*Rarity being Trixie*

*me gusta*

Currently recommendations are:
- Images that are similar to current image based on tags and faves of images
- Artists that are similar to current artist based on tags and faves of each artist's images
- Highlights: newest images that are similar to current users profile

Navigational improvements consist of adding keyboard navigation, a queue for images and visual notifications. The queue is useful for avoiding opening dozens of browser tabs while browsing through recommendations.


*v1.5.02* - Handle changes in Interactions API and window.booru
- Add queue navigation to native /related/
*v1.5.0* -
POST image data if no recommendations can be made with cached data. This allows making recommendations if there are 24 or more tags and faves combined even when cached data is stale.
*v1.4.2* - Update changed CSS class names
*v1.4.1* - Fix some error handling, layout of tag cloud.
*v1.4.0* - Enable voting from thumbnails, handle deleted similar images.
*v1.3.1* - Don't hardcode the domain.
*v1.3.0* - Refactor how APIs are used, paginated queue view.
*v1.2.1* - Use derpibooru API to fetch fave and vote info for recommendation thumbnails. Removed stars altogether.
*v1.2.0* - Add view for inspecting queue
*v1.1.7* - Add thumbnail enhancements to /lists/ urls and "Queue All" button to /images/ and /lists/ metabar.
*v1.1.6* - Add and remove significant white spaces to work with new styling.
*v1.1.5* - Configuration option to remove stars.
*v1.1.4* - Queue button toggles item in queue instead of adding
*v1.1.3* - Keyboard faving bugfix
*v1.1.2* – Remove ’Q’ from small thumbnails, short filenames for direct image links.
*v1.1.1* - Direct image link in thumnbail frames, support small thumbnails.
*v1.1.0* - Highlights, festive hats and privacy policy changes.


Highlights can be accessed from the top-right menu and contains the newest images in derpibooru with only images that current user might like.

Privacy policy was changed as highlights require username for user specific filtering. Username is only sent as part of query if this feature is used.

Hats for christmas holiday (can be disabled from config)!

*v1.0.0* - Initial release

Chrome + Tampermonkey
Firefox + Greasemonkey


This userscript adds queue navigation, similar images search, similar artists search, newest images that user might like, some keyboard shortcuts and visual notifications to Derpibooru.

User can add images to queue from image thumbnails and navigate to the next image in the queue by pressing 'e'.

When viewing a single image user is given thumbnails of images that are similar to current image. Spoilered tags and hided tags are spoilered and hided respectively. More similar images may be fetched using a provided button.

When viewing an artist tag image listing the user gets a list of similar artists.

User can access highlighted images from top-right menu. This view contains newest images that are similar to users profile.

When viewing a single image user can press '1', '2' or '3' to toggle fave, upvote or downvote respectively on current image. A visual notification is displayed.

*Known Issues (v. 1.4.1)*
Dataset is not real time and most updates to it are only partial.
- First recommendation is often same as the current image/artist.
- Newest images won't get any similar images and won't show up in similar images lists. Same applies to artist similarity.

Recommendations list doesn't provide all the Derpibooru functionality.
- Number of comments is not displayed.
- Spoilers display a list of spoilered tags instead of image spoiler.
- Images behind spoilers cannot be inspected with mouse hover or click.

Keyboard shortcuts do not guarantee that the action was successful
- The notification is displayed even if the action fails.

Highlights could be better
- No pagination.
- Might not work well if user has low number of faves.
- Update only every few days

*Privacy Policy*
Recommendations are based on public data fetched from Derpibooru API and on performance data collected from users of API.

All users are given a session token. This token, along with requests and responses related to it, are saved by and are used for evaluating and improving service.

Session tokens expires when user logs in, logs out or is logged out automatically. User's local storage is used for storing session token and username to provide this functionality.

Local storage is also used for storing other state information of this script, like the state of the image queue.

Highlights feature uses current users username as query. Otherwise this script does not send usernames, user_ids, passwords or other personal information to or 3rd party services. Hiding, spoilering and showing favourites is done purely on client side and is based on public data from Derpibooru API and Derpibooru page that the user is currently viewing.

All assets are downloaded from over a secure connection and the main script "derpibooru_explorer.js" makes secure queries to to fetch recommendations. No requests are made to 3rd party services.
Reason: v1.5.2
Edited by Taivastiuku
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

The aim of Derpibooru Explorer is to make finding new quality images on Derpibooru easier. This is achieved by providing recommendations depending on user's context and by enhancing Derpibooru user experience with navigational improvements and visual notifications.

"Preview video":

*Example recommendations* (first image is current image)

*Rarity being Trixie*

*me gusta*

Currently recommendations are:
- Images that are similar to current image based on tags and faves of images
- Artists that are similar to current artist based on tags and faves of each artist's images
- Highlights: newest images that are similar to current users profile

Navigational improvements consist of adding keyboard navigation, a queue for images and visual notifications. The queue is useful for avoiding opening dozens of browser tabs while browsing through recommendations.


*v1.5.0* - POST image data if no recommendations can be made with cached data. This allows making recommendations if there are 24 or more tags and faves combined even when cached data is stale.
*v1.4.2* - Update changed CSS class names
*v1.4.1* - Fix some error handling, layout of tag cloud.
*v1.4.0* - Enable voting from thumbnails, handle deleted similar images.
*v1.3.1* - Don't hardcode the domain.
*v1.3.0* - Refactor how APIs are used, paginated queue view.
*v1.2.1* - Use derpibooru API to fetch fave and vote info for recommendation thumbnails. Removed stars altogether.
*v1.2.0* - Add view for inspecting queue
*v1.1.7* - Add thumbnail enhancements to /lists/ urls and "Queue All" button to /images/ and /lists/ metabar.
*v1.1.6* - Add and remove significant white spaces to work with new styling.
*v1.1.5* - Configuration option to remove stars.
*v1.1.4* - Queue button toggles item in queue instead of adding
*v1.1.3* - Keyboard faving bugfix
*v1.1.2* Remove Q from small thumbnails, short filenames for direct image links.
*v1.1.1* - Direct image link in thumnbail frames, support small thumbnails.
*v1.1.0* - Highlights, festive hats and privacy policy changes.


Highlights can be accessed from the top-right menu and contains the newest images in derpibooru with only images that current user might like.

Privacy policy was changed as highlights require username for user specific filtering. Username is only sent as part of query if this feature is used.

Hats for christmas holiday (can be disabled from config)!

*v1.0.0* - Initial release

Chrome + Tampermonkey
Firefox + Greasemonkey


This userscript adds queue navigation, similar images search, similar artists search, newest images that user might like, some keyboard shortcuts and visual notifications to Derpibooru.

User can add images to queue from image thumbnails and navigate to the next image in the queue by pressing 'e'.

When viewing a single image user is given thumbnails of images that are similar to current image. Spoilered tags and hided tags are spoilered and hided respectively. More similar images may be fetched using a provided button.

When viewing an artist tag image listing the user gets a list of similar artists.

User can access highlighted images from top-right menu. This view contains newest images that are similar to users profile.

When viewing a single image user can press '1', '2' or '3' to toggle fave, upvote or downvote respectively on current image. A visual notification is displayed.

*Known Issues (v. 1.4.1)*
Dataset is not real time and most updates to it are only partial.
- First recommendation is often same as the current image/artist.
- Newest images won't get any similar images and won't show up in similar images lists. Same applies to artist similarity.

Recommendations list doesn't provide all the Derpibooru functionality.
- Number of comments is not displayed.
- Spoilers display a list of spoilered tags instead of image spoiler.
- Images behind spoilers cannot be inspected with mouse hover or click.

Keyboard shortcuts do not guarantee that the action was successful
- The notification is displayed even if the action fails.

Highlights could be better
- No pagination.
- Might not work well if user has low number of faves.
- Update only every few days

*Privacy Policy*
Recommendations are based on public data fetched from Derpibooru API and on performance data collected from users of API.

All users are given a session token. This token, along with requests and responses related to it, are saved by and are used for evaluating and improving service.

Session tokens expires when user logs in, logs out or is logged out automatically. User's local storage is used for storing session token and username to provide this functionality.

Local storage is also used for storing other state information of this script, like the state of the image queue.

Highlights feature uses current users username as query. Otherwise this script does not send usernames, user_ids, passwords or other personal information to or 3rd party services. Hiding, spoilering and showing favourites is done purely on client side and is based on public data from Derpibooru API and Derpibooru page that the user is currently viewing.

All assets are downloaded from over a secure connection and the main script "derpibooru_explorer.js" makes secure queries to to fetch recommendations. No requests are made to 3rd party services.
Reason: v1.5.1
Edited by Taivastiuku