Viewing last 25 versions of post by Background Pony #0E67 in topic Explanation of update to Rule #0 for consistency and clarity especially in regards to racism

Background Pony #0E67
"[@Background Pony #71E3":](/forums/meta/topics/explanation-of-update-to-rule-0-for-consistency-and-clarity-especially-in-regards-to-racism?post_id=4896597#post_4896597
) Pony 

#71E3"] "[@Background Pony #0E67":](/forums/meta/topics/explanation-of-update-to-rule-0-for-consistency-and-clarity-especially-in-regards-to-racism?post_id=4896588#post_4896588
No, what trivializes the ideology is swinging around its label like a hammer to strike anything that you don't like, you absolute tool; i fucking e, the boy who cried wolf. [/bq]

It's not "not liking nazism". That would be quite stupid to delete just any content you don't like. You're typically into the nihilism I talked about. You ignore that a promotion of ideologies have consequences. It's the consequences that are being fought here, it is simply not a matter of taste.


If it was a matter of taste, there would be a lot of shitty, tasteless, pictures to delete[/spoiler] ||
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #0E67
Background Pony #0E67
"@Background Pony #71E3":/forums/meta/topics/explanation-of-update-to-rule-0-for-consistency-and-clarity-especially-in-regards-to-racism?post_id=4896597#post_4896597
[bq="Background Pony #71E3"] "@Background Pony #0E67":/forums/meta/topics/explanation-of-update-to-rule-0-for-consistency-and-clarity-especially-in-regards-to-racism?post_id=4896588#post_4896588
No, what trivializes the ideology is swinging around its label like a hammer to strike anything that you don't like, you absolute tool; i fucking e, the boy who cried wolf. [/bq]

It's not "not liking nazism". That would be quite stupid to delete just any content you don't like. You're typically into the nihilism I talked about. You ignore that a promotion of ideologies have consequences. It's the consequences that are being fought here, it' is simply not jua matter of taste.

it was a matter of taste., there would be a lot of shitty pictures to delete[/spoiler]
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #0E67