Viewing last 25 versions of post by ghostfacekiller39 in topic Season 6 Episode Discussion [Speculation/Theories/Beware of Spoilers]

Duck - Bona fide shitposter - ignore or report

Sunny Day Realtor
"[@Crystal Neighybánya":](/pony/season-6-episode-discussion/post/1829474#post_1829474
At what cost, though?

I assume you're talking about retconning the others' sudden acceptance of her in order to provide a more realistic angle to their reactions to her - because it was stupid of them to just throw all of their trust and friendship towards her at the end.

At that expense, it'd make everything the rest of the mane 6 did look insincere and two-faced, as if they were only treating her like she did due to the situation at hand and nothing else. We've had 4 seasons worth of them learning how to better themselves as characters and friends and 1 season of them sharing those lessons with all of those around them. All of that might as well go down the drain if you're going to just turn them into cold and unaccepting hypocrites like this after they've already idiotically welcomed someone who _*definitely_* shouldn't be trusted right off the bat lwike this withde open arms.

There is no salvaging her at this point, she's going to spend the rest of her days as the thorn in the side of this show, steadily bleeding out everything it's accomplished so far because the writers have tapped their idea wells dry.
No reason given
Edited by ghostfacekiller39
Duck - Bona fide shitposter - ignore or report

Sunny Day Realtor
"@Crystal Neighybánya":/pony/season-6-episode-discussion/post/1829474#post_1829474
At what cost, though?

I assume you're talking about retconning the others' sudden acceptance of her in order to provide a more realistic angle to their reactions to her - because it was stupid of them to just throw all of their trust and friendship towards her at the end.

At that expense, it'd make everything the rest of the mane 6 did look insincere and two-faced, as if they were only treating her like she did due to the situation at hand and nothing else. We've had 4 seasons worth of them learning how to better themselves as characters and friends and 1 season of them sharing those lessons with all of those around them. All of that might as well go down the drain if you're going to just turn them into cold and unaccepting hypocrites like this after they've already idiotically welcomed someone who _definitely_ shouldn't be trusted right off the bat like this with open arms.

There is no salvaging her at this point, she's going to spend the rest of her days as the thorn in the side of this show, steadily bleeding out everything it's accomplished so far because the writers have tapped their idea wells dry.
No reason given
Edited by ghostfacekiller39
Duck - Bona fide shitposter - ignore or report

Sunny Day Realtor
"@Crystal Neighybánya":/pony/season-6-episode-discussion/post/1829474#post_1829474
At what cost, though?

I assume you're talking about retconning the others' sudden acceptance of her in order to provide a more realistic angle to their reactions to her - because it was stupid of them to just throw all of their trust and friendship towards her at the end.

At that expense, it'd make everything the rest of the mane 6 did look insincere and two-faced, as if they were only treating her like she did due to the situation at hand and nothing else. We've had 4 seasons worth of them learning how to better themselves as characters and friends and 1 season of them sharing those lessons with all of those around them. All of that might as well go down the drain if you're going to just turn them into cold and unaccepting hypocrites like this.

There is no salvaging her at this point, she's going to spend the rest of her days as the thorn in the side of this show, steadily bleeding out everything it's accomplished so far because the writers have tapped their idea wells dry.
No reason given
Edited by ghostfacekiller39