Viewing last 25 versions of post by Terminal Rex in topic Unpopular opinion time

Terminal Rex

Going Indognito mode..
"[@Background Pony #2A28":](/forums/pony/topics/unpopular-opinion-time?post_id=5057625#post_5057625
This sound a lot like those "Video games turn people violent because violent people sometimes play Video game's" arguments. Lame.

Anime is fantasy. Most people can distinguish fantasy from reality and are no more enabled or encouraged by it then you and I would be from reading a novel.

Iseki itself, the genre of a modern protagonist finding himself in a videogame fantasy world is just the latest fad. Some people who feel alienated or stressed out from modern Japanese society may find it a particularly appealing form of escapism but it's by no means the cause ofr an aggravating factor isn the Isolation of Japanese youth.

Trying to blame any one thing for such a complicated issue, especially a cartoon, Is the big dumb.
No reason given
Edited by Terminal Rex