Viewing last 25 versions of post by Background Pony #C494 in topic General Tag Discussion

Background Pony #C494
The "treating anyone *any better or worse* because of their skin color is bad, mmmkay" kind of anti-racism, or "IF YOU DON'T SUPPORT BLM (for reference, the organization whose solution to rampant crime issues in black communities is "[DELET LAW ENFORCEMENT":]( YOU ARE SCUM" kind?
@Derpy Whooves":](/forums/tagging/topics/general-tag-discussion?post_id=4815436#post_4815436
That is what "ACAB" _*means_*. Please don't hide it behind acronyms.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #C494
Background Pony #C494
The "treating anyone better or worse because of their skin color is bad, mmmkay" kind of anti-racism, or "IF YOU DON'T SUPPORT BLM (for reference, the organization whose solution to rampant crime issues in black communities is "DELET LAW ENFORCEMENT": YOU ARE SCUM" kind?
"@Derpy Whooves":/forums/tagging/topics/general-tag-discussion?post_id=4815436#post_4815436
That is what "ACAB" _means_. Please don't hide it behind acronyms.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #C494