Viewing last 25 versions of post by Background Pony #F40D in topic Request artist tag aliases here

Background Pony #F40D
[artist:bbpanzu](/tags/artist-colon-bbpanzu), [artist:bb-panzu](/tags/artist-colon-bb-dash-panzu), [artist:bbsub3](/tags/artist-colon-bbsub3), [artist:rainbrony](/tags/artist-colon-rainbrony) not sure which to merge to

[Twitter URL bbsub3, account name "rainbrony"]( links [YouTube bb-panzu]( which links [Newgrounds bb-panzu]( and [Twitter URL bbpanzu]( which links Twitter bbsub3

Derpi user [rainbrony](/profiles/rainbrony)


[artist:bardocobarde](/tags/artist-colon-bardocobarde), [artist:mrkawauso](/tags/artist-colon-mrkawauso) not sure which to merge to

[FA mrkawauso]( links to [Twitter BardoCobarde]( (and also [Tumblr mrkawauso]( but I don't see any pony there.)

Previous/dead account names (written on some images): idkaws, moixdefems


[artist:chotpot](/tags/artist-colon-chotpot) -> [artist:cyberdaydream](/tags/artist-colon-cyberdaydream)

More of their accounts are "cyberdaydream"

[FA chotpot](, [Twitter cyberdaydream](, [carrd cyberdaydream]( (and others)
Reason: anoother
Edited by Background Pony #F40D
Background Pony #F40D
[artist:bbpanzu](/tags/artist-colon-bbpanzu), [artist:bb-panzu](/tags/artist-colon-bb-dash-panzu), [artist:bbsub3](/tags/artist-colon-bbsub3), [artist:rainbrony](/tags/artist-colon-rainbrony) not sure which to merge to

[Twitter URL bbsub3, account name "rainbrony"]( links [YouTube bb-panzu]( which links [Newgrounds bb-panzu]( and [Twitter URL bbpanzu]( which links Twitter bbsub3

Derpi user [rainbrony](/profiles/rainbrony)


[artist:bardocobarde](/tags/artist-colon-bardocobarde), [artist:mrkawauso](/tags/artist-colon-mrkawauso) not sure which to merge to

[FA mrkawauso]( links to [Twitter BardoCobarde]( (and also [Tumblr mrkawauso]( but I don't see any pony there.)

Previous/dead account names (written on some images): idkaws, moixdefems
Reason: another
Edited by Background Pony #F40D