Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #C72D on image #1150198

Background Pony #C72D
In _*Gauntlet of Fire however_*, we saw that Torch was clearly waaaay bigger than any other dragon we've seen in the show. He was closer to the Ursa Major in size than to other dragons, since his head alone looked the size of the Ursa Minor. This means that unlike other creatures, there's not a "set" standard for a dragon's size. Some can apparently grow many times larger than others. Whether this is defined by chance/genes or something else, we don't know.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #C72D
Background Pony #C72D
In _Gauntlet of Fire however_, we that Torch was clearly waaaay bigger than any other dragon we've seen in the show. He was closer to the Ursa Major in size than to other dragons, since his head alone looked the size of the Ursa Minor. This means that unlike other creatures, there's not a "set" standard for a dragon's size. Some can apparently grow many times larger than others. Whether this is defined by chance/genes or something else, we don't know.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #C72D