Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #F3F2 on image #1170999

Background Pony #F3F2
Well if we're talking about humans IRL, the only reasonable place to draw the line is at pregnancy- don't produce children from incest and there is no problem. If you're talking about equines IRL, then there is no line at all- breeders regularly inbreed horses to produce the desired results, and there's no increase in the risk of birth defects due to their substantially higher chromosome count.

Now if you're talking about magical brightly colored 'ponies' then the answer is "who the fuck cares they aren't real" with a side helping of "there is no wrong way to fantasize"
I hope that I have fully answer your questions
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #F3F2
Background Pony #F3F2
Well if we're talking about humans IRL, the only reasonable place to draw the line is at pregnancy- don't produce children from incest and there is no problem. If you're talking about equines IRL, then there is no line at all- breeders regularly inbreed horses to produce the desired results, and there's no increase in the risk of birth defects due to their substantially higher chromosome count.

Now if you're talking about magical brightly colored "'ponies"' then the answer is "who the fuck cares they aren't real" with a side helping of "there is no wrong way to fantasize"
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #F3F2