Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #1B46 on image #1203728

Background Pony #1B46
"[@Background Pony #5318":](/1203728#comment_5265815

What makes you think Fluttershy has no accuracy?

A sniper's a desirable target because of a mix of the fact they can shoot at range and they do so from hiding. A major aspect of being a sniper is being able to hide oneself and take a shot, typically from a great distance. A sniper may spend hours, even days hunkered in the same spot. Fluttershy being jumpy at the sound of a twig is a good thing, because a major part of a sniper's role is not being found, as the moment they are discovered their entire mission is jeopardized.

Acting fast is important to anyone in a military environment, but your typical snipers operate under different conditions than your typical soldier. A soldier has to act immediately, neutralizing any target they deem a threat, while a sniper usually waits for a very specific moment to deal with specific targets. They focus on doing the job in one shot, because each bullet they fire increases the odds of detection.

Most snipers usually come in teams - a sniper and a spotter, the latter of which who helps them align their shots and also keeps an eye out for potential danger. They usually hide in different places to help avoid detection. Given Fluttershy's ability to talk to animals, she could probably have spotters all over the place and nopony would know.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #1B46
Background Pony #1B46
"@Background Pony #5318":/1203728#comment_5265815

What makes you think Fluttershy has no accuracy?

A sniper's a desirable target because of a mix of the fact they can shoot at range and they do so from hiding. A major aspect of being a sniper is being able to hide oneself and take a shot, typically from a great distance. A sniper may spend hours, even days hunkered in the same spot. Fluttershy being jumpy at the sound of a twig is a good thing, because a major part of a sniper's role is not being found, as the moment they are discovered their entire mission is jeopardized.

Acting fast is important to anyone in a military environment, but your typical snipers operate under different conditions than your typical soldier. A soldier has to act immediately, neutralizing any target they deem a threat, while a sniper usually waits for a very specific moment to deal with specific targets. They focus on doing the job in one shot, because each bullet they fire increases the odds of detection.

Most snipers usually come in teams - a sniper and a spotter, the latter of which who helps them align their shots and also keeps an eye out for potential danger. They usually hide in different places to help avoid detection.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #1B46