Viewing last 25 versions of comment by arcanedarness on image #1289116



I' am not from the U.S.A., however, seems to me that the problem with it is that there's some legal loopholes in U.S.A. and if to be gay was considered a choice then some rights could be taken from the gay people. I can be wrong about that, it has been a long time since I heard that.

I, however, am not a fan from the nurture reasoning for more logical and intrinsic reasons. Sexual attraction is a biological instinct. Moreover, how nurture would explain gay people in a world that is majoritarily straight and that pursued them to death sometimes? How nurture explain the bhigh number of gays that are kicked out from their homes because they were created by families that are strongly anti-gay? If nurture was an important factor, then such cases should not exist.
Reason: Grammar.
Edited by arcanedarness


I' not from the U.S.A, however, seems to me that the problem with it is that there's some legal loopholes and if to be gay was a choice then some rights could be taken from the gay people. I can be wrong about that, it has been a long time since I heard that.

I, however, am not a fan from the nurture reasoning for more logical and intrinsic reasons. Sexual attraction is a biological instinct. Moreover, how nurture would explain gay people in a world that is majoritarily straight and that pursued them to death sometimes? How nurture explain the big number of gays that are kicked out from their homes because they were created by families that are strongly ant-gay? If nurture was an important factor, then such cases should not exist.
No reason given
Edited by arcanedarness