Viewing last 25 versions of comment by SorryNeverSorry on image #1289116


Offensive. Please ban.
Obviously no one would _*choose_* to be gay in the world we live in, but "nurture" is not the same thing as choice. For example, I didn't choose to enjoy watching My Little Pony, but I doubt it's in my genes either.
I'm perfectly open to the idea of gayness being purely genetic, if science can prove it so. Until then, the jury's still out as far as I'm concerned, but we can agree that it's not a choice.
In any case, I think we can also agree that if a mare were to asked out each of the Mane 6, Applejack would probably be the least likely to say yes.
No reason given
Edited by SorryNeverSorry

Offensive. Please ban.
Obviously no one would _choose_ to be gay in the world we live in, but "nurture" is not the same thing as choice. For example, I didn't choose to enjoy watching My Little Pony, but I doubt it's in my genes either.
I'm perfectly open to the idea of gayness being purely genetic, if science can prove it so. Until then, the jury's still out as far as I'm concerned, but we can agree that it's not a choice.
In any case, I think we can also agree that if a mare asked out each of the Mane 6, Applejack would probably be the least likely to say yes.
No reason given
Edited by SorryNeverSorry