Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Yukimazan on image #1338902


"[@Chicago Ted":](/1338902#comment_5765939
I kinda like it. Reminds me of those cookie cut/Paper Mario styles in some cartoons.

Also 2 things to say:
- This reminds me of that one episode from Spongebob when Squidward lives in Spongebob's home
- If Twilight had a maid dress, upvotes galore
No reason given
Edited by Yukimazan

"@Chicago Ted":/1338902#comment_5765939
I kinda like it. Reminds me of those cookie cut styles in some cartoons.

Also 2 things to say:
- This reminds me of that one episode from Spongebob when Squidward lives in Spongebob's home
- If Twilight had a maid dress, upvotes galore
No reason given
Edited by Yukimazan