Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Philweasel on image #1403081

Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.

Right About Everything
"[@Background Pony #78F8":](/1403081#comment_6856405
) Pony 

#78F8"] "[@Background Pony #CC3C":](/1403081#comment_6856152
Maybe they have other plans for Balor. I think that the WWE writers think that losing to John Cena is “an honour”. [/bq]

Might have brought his ironman role with a promise to lose to Cena.

Given Cena mentioned (in kayfabe) that the crowd reaction bothered him, I think they needed an over babyface for him to beat to get that reaction. Cena was acting a little grumpy both there and at the rumble, maybe he'll be running a RomaAngle style 'stop booing me you pathetic ingrates' gimmick for wrestlemania.
No reason given
Edited by Philweasel
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.

Right About Everything
"@Background Pony #78F8":/1403081#comment_6856405
[bq="Background Pony #78F8"] "@Background Pony #CC3C":/1403081#comment_6856152
Maybe they have other plans for Balor. I think that the WWE writers think that losing to John Cena is “an honour”. [/bq]
Might have brought his ironman role with a promise to lose to Cena.

Given Cena mentioned (in kayfabe) that the crowd reaction bothered him, I think they needed an over babyface for him to beat to get that reaction. Cena was acting a little grumpy both there and at the rumble, maybe he'll be running a Roman style 'stop booing me you pathetic ingrates' gimmick for wrestlemania.
No reason given
Edited by Philweasel