Viewing last 25 versions of comment by KentuckyFriedScootaloo on image #1454116

Non-Fungible Trixie -

"[@Kaden Bayne Vanciel":](/1454116#comment_6197587

There's also a sequel/spin off comic that started recently. I'm trying to get Derpibooru up to date (around two pages a day seems to alworighk out).
No reason given
Edited by KentuckyFriedScootaloo
Non-Fungible Trixie -

"@Kaden Bayne Vanciel":/1454116#comment_6197587

There's also a sequel/spin off comic that started recently. I'm trying to get Derpibooru up to date (around two pages a day seems to alright).
No reason given
Edited by KentuckyFriedScootaloo