Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Shinning Sparkle on image #1468649

Shinning Sparkle

I dion't think Starlight will be in the movie. At the end of Mirror Magic when Twilight wrote to Starlight through Sunset's book that she can stay in the EQG world for a couple of days, that was, BASICALLY, Twilight keeping Starlight out of the movie. I laughed so hard when I thought about this theory. XD
Reason: I misspelled "don't" at the begining.
Edited by Shinning Sparkle
Shinning Sparkle

I din't think Starlight will be in the movie. At the end of Mirror Magic when Twilight wrote to Starlight through Sunset's book that she can stay in the EQG world for a couple of days, that was, BASICALLY, Twilight keeping Starlight out of the movie. I laughed so hard when I thought about this theory. XD
No reason given
Edited by Shinning Sparkle