Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Pagan on image #1485727


Gay Viking
Marbles gets it into his head he can be king of the class if he beats up the tallest kid on the playground. Glitter was not ready.[/bq]

The tallest kid being a girl... yeah that'll get you street cred.
Marbles: "Hold my -~~beer-~~ applejuice, I got this."
No reason given
Edited by Pagan

Gay Viking
[bq]Marbles gets it into his head he can be king of the class if he beats up the tallest kid on the playground. Glitter was not ready.[/bq]

The tallest kid being a girl... yeah that'll get you street cred.

Marble: "Hold my -beer- applejuice, I got this."
No reason given
Edited by Pagan