Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Ryodraco on image #1578632


But how is it being forced, at least currently? They have some similar interests, they find each other attractive, they enjoy each other's company and are exploring more about how they get along while at the same time putting forth a lot of effort to trying to make the other comfortable (Twilight's detailed plans, Timber studying the stars for her). What part of that is forced, especially for two adolescents who are just starting to date?
No reason given
Edited by Ryodraco

But how is it being forced, at least currently? They have some similar interests, they find each other attractive, they enjoy each other's company and are exploring more about how they get along while at the same time putting forth a lot of effort to trying to make the other comfortable (Twilight's detailed plans, Timber studying the stars for her). What part of that is forced?
No reason given
Edited by Ryodraco

But how is it being forced, at least currently? They have some similar interests, they find each other attractive, they enjoy each other's company and are exploring more about how they get along. What part of that is forced?
No reason given
Edited by Ryodraco