Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #8178 on image #1582243

Background Pony #8178
"[@Princess Trixie vi Equestria":](/1582243#comment_6660438
I imagine it would be a matter of convenience. If they are sexually more open and less disgusted by each other than we humans then the "straight" mares who aren't with a stallion might just try it out anyway. Or they form something resembling herds and just pair with whoever is their friend without restrictions altogether.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #8178
Background Pony #8178
"@Princess Trixie vi Equestria":/1582243#comment_6660438
I imagine it would be a matter of convenience. If they are sexually more open and less disgusted by each other than we humans thaen the straight mares who aren't with a stallion might just try it out anyway. Or they form something resembling herds and just pair with whoever is their friend without restrictions altogether.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #8178
Background Pony #8178
"@Princess Trixie vi Equestria":/1582243#comment_6660438
I imagine it would be a matter of convenience. If they are sexually more open and less disgusted by each other than we humans than the straight mares who aren't with a stallion might just try it out anyway. Or they form something resembling herds and just pair with whoever is their friend without restrictions altogether.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #8178