Viewing last 25 versions of comment by starslayer159 on image #1658444

Equality - In our state, we're all equal here!

"[@Background Pony #EBEB":](/1658444#comment_6922959
Thanks for proving my point, Sunset takes up so much screen time, and robs all the other characters of agency (except Sci-Twi on occasion) that no other character matters and nobody cares about them. For what is supposed to be an ensemble cast, that’s pretty bad writing.
And Wally might be better than Juniper or Gaia Everfree, but that’s not really saying that much.
No reason given
Edited by starslayer159
Equality - In our state, we're all equal here!

"@Background Pony #EBEB":/1658444#comment_6922959
Thanks for proving my point, Sunset takes up so much screen time, and robs all the other characters of agency (except Sci-Twi on occasion) that no other character matters and nobody cares about them. For what is supposed to be an ensemble cast, that’s pretty bad writing.
No reason given
Edited by starslayer159