Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #9999 on image #1665840

Background Pony #9999
"[@Creepa-Bot Inc.":](/1665840#comment_6932054
) Inc."] 

" [@Background Pony #2820":](/1665840#comment_6931920
Oh, really? Oh no.......

And no, _*that wasn't sarcasm._* That's actually concerning. [/bq]

The truth is going digital with our books wasn't the smartest thing we ever did. Most of pur current methods for storing data like on flash catrds or discs is unreliable, because of data corruption. There's also the danger of a solar flare knocking out our data systems, erasing memory with an emp from space. Paper is a lot more reliable than you'd think.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #9999
Background Pony #9999
"@Creepa-Bot Inc.":/1665840#comment_6932054
[bq="Creepa-Bot Inc."] "@Background Pony #2820":/1665840#comment_6931920
Oh, really? Oh no.......
And no, _that wasn't sarcasm._ That's actually concerning. [/bq]
The truth is going digital with our books wasn't the smartest thing we ever did. Most of pur current methods for storing data like on flash catds or discs is unreliable, because of data corruption. There's also the danger of a solar flare knocking out our data systems, erasing memory with an emp from space. Paper is a lot more reliable than you'd think.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #9999