Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #C036 on image #1788286

Background Pony #C036
Still having Starlight in EG but no Sunset in FiM. How is that fair? Why do Starlight gets so much screentime than Sunset? 26 episodes each season (most episodes these days)
And Sunset is not even in majority of the shorts.

Ffs we don't have Sunset's EG counterpart yet and you want to be Starlight's first?!!
Obvious bias is bias.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #C036
Background Pony #C036
Still having Starlight in EG but no Sunset in FiM. How is that fair? Why do Starlight gets so much screentime than Sunset? 26 episodes each season (most episodes these days)
And Sunset is not even in majority of the shorts.

Ffs we don't have Sunset's EG counterpart yet and you want to be Starlight's first?!!
Obvious bias is bias.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #C036