Viewing last 25 versions of comment by LegatusFlagrans on image #1874170

Artist -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Legionary Captain 🌹
"[@AmethyElust_Cive Badgerponystal":](/1874170#comment_7625623809
Jeez, someone's
Amethyst_Crystal"](/1874170#comment_7625629) " 

> [
@Elusive Badgerpony":](/1874170#comment_7623809
> [
@Background Pony #AA5A":](/1874170#comment_7623930
> [
@Background Pony #266B":](/1874170#comment_7624631
> [
@Background Pony #FB13":](/1874170#comment_7624823
> [

You know WHY american politics never seem to do anything that younger people want or care about?

*It's BECAUSE you don't vote!

4 out of 5 young adults did NOT vote in 2016 election.*

Are you so surprised by the results?

Are you so surprised from earlier results?

All those fucking lobbyists and corporations and rich bastards are delighted, thrilled,

because you lazy apathetic kids can't even bother to do your civic duty!

Because South Park and other 'cool enlightened' shit declares,

'meh voting doesn't matter', and you believe them!

*If you DON'T want democracy to decay into absolute corruption,


This might be the last chance before it all goes to shit! [/bq]

Fucking this.
No reason given
Edited by LegatusFlagrans
Artist -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Legionary Captain 🌹
"@Elusive Badgerpony":/1874170#comment_7623809
Oh shit, snowflake libtards absolutely OWNED with LOGIC and F

[bq="Amethyst_Crystal"] "@Elusive Badgerpony":/1874170#comment_7623809
"@Background Pony #AA5A":/1874170#comment_7623930
"@Background Pony #266B":/1874170#comment_7624631
"@Background Pony #FB13":/1874170#comment_7624823

You know WHY american politics never seem to do anything that younger people want or care about?
*It's BECAUSE you don't vote!
4 out of 5 young adults did NOT vote in 2016 election.*
Are you so surprised by the results?
Are you so surprised from earlier results?

All those fucking lobbyists and corporations and rich bastards are delighted, thrilled,
because you lazy apathetic kids can't even bother to do your civic duty!
Because South Park and other 'cool enlightened' shit declares,
'meh voting doesn't matter', and you believe them!

*If you DON'T want democracy to decay into absolute corruption,
This might be the last chance before it all goes to shit! [/bq]
Fucking this.
No reason given
Edited by LegatusFlagrans
Artist -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Legionary Captain 🌹
"@Elusive Badgerpony":/1874170#comment_7623809
Oh shit, snowflake libtards absolutely OWNED with LOGIC and FACTS.

[bq="Amethyst_Crystal"] "@Elusive Badgerpony":/1874170#comment_7623809
"@Background Pony #AA5A":/1874170#comment_7623930
"@Background Pony #266B":/1874170#comment_7624631
"@Background Pony #FB13":/1874170#comment_7624823

You know WHY american politics never seem to do anything that younger people want or care about?
*It's BECAUSE you don't vote!
4 out of 5 young adults did NOT vote in 2016 election.*
Are you so surprised by the results?
Are you so surprised from earlier results?

All those fucking lobbyists and corporations and rich bastards are delighted, thrilled,
because you lazy apathetic kids can't even bother to do your civic duty!
Because South Park and other 'cool enlightened' shit declares,
'meh voting doesn't matter', and you believe them!

*If you DON'T want democracy to decay into absolute corruption,
This might be the last chance before it all goes to shit! [/bq]
Fucking this.
No reason given
Edited by LegatusFlagrans