Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Goddess Erosia on image #1874874

Goddess Erosia

bow before me owo
"[@Background Pony #97ED":](/1874874#comment_7660426
As for the Great Value label, it's more than that. Some things are actually worth it, others obviously aren't. Maybe canned vegetables are still a good idea, but their pizza sure as hell isn't. Usually you're right with the fact they're actually made in the same factory, and are just the rejects, but idk what Great Value pizza was even trying to be.

You also have to compare the price per ounce of food, because they purposefully balance some things out to make it either the same price or actually more expensive in some instances to buy the generics.

Also another thing where generics or dollar store products can actually be worth it is certain body care and drug items. If you're okay with Acetaminophren as opposed to other kinds of pain killers, NEVER actually buy the Tylenol brand name. You're much better off with the generic version that gives you ten times more pills per dollar - the quality control difference is too minuscule for the body to really care about. You're not any more or less likely to poison yourself there.

As for body care, if you have short hair that isn't too difficult you should start getting body wash and shampoo from the dollar store instead of name brands. This one's a 50-50 thing though because some people, man or woman, really would need the higher quality product. I myself have long, unruly hair, as well as a dandruff problem, so the only way for me to be silky isand clean feeling is to use Head and Shoulders with some Aussie conditioner.

And ignore gender labels, it really shouldn't make a difference - soap is soap. My dad used to use Aussie all the time because it was the only thing that kept his hair in line.

Also use Aim toothpaste from the dollar store instead of the big name brands like Crest and Colgate. The "number one dentist approved" label means nothing, years ago they got that result by paying people to go ask carefully biased questions to a bunch of dentists based on /brand names/ they were familiar with, it has nothing to do with quality. The main thing that Crest does to clean your teeth is just fluoride, and Aim has just as much of it. The only difference is Aim doesn't use as much /minty flavoring/ which a lot of brands use to falsely make you /feel/ like it's somehow more powerful when it's really not.

The price difference between a giant thing of Aim and your average toothpaste at a supermarket is outstanding too - you can get a thing of Aim that's twice the size of most standard tubes you get anywhere else for a dollar or less, but take one trip to Target and you can find a smaller tube of Crest for $3.99 or more.

Also if you really want to get technical with it, I've heard some people say that the way mainstream product formulas work makes the fluoride not bind to your teeth as much as it should, so you end up needing more of it. But I don't know if that's true or not. It just sounds like something a company would do.
No reason given
Edited by Goddess Erosia
Goddess Erosia

bow before me owo
"@Background Pony #97ED":/1874874#comment_7660426
As for the Great Value label, it's more than that. Some things are actually worth it, others obviously aren't. Maybe canned vegetables are still a good idea, but their pizza sure as hell isn't. Usually you're right with the fact they're actually made in the same factory, and are just the rejects, but idk what Great Value pizza was even trying to be.

You also have to compare the price per ounce of food, because they purposefully balance some things out to make it either the same price or actually more expensive in some instances to buy the generics.

Also another thing where generics or dollar store products can actually be worth it is certain body care and drug items. If you're okay with Acetaminophren as opposed to other kinds of pain killers, NEVER actually buy the Tylenol brand name. You're much better off with the generic version that gives you ten times more pills per dollar - the quality control difference is too minuscule for the body to really care about. You're not any more or less likely to poison yourself there.

As for body care, if you have short hair that isn't too difficult you should start getting body wash and shampoo from the dollar store instead of name brands. This one's a 50-50 thing though because some people, man or woman, really would need the higher quality product. I myself have long, unruly hair, as well as a dandruff problem, so the only way for me to be silky is clean feeling is to use Head and Shoulders with some Aussie conditioner.

And ignore gender labels, it really shouldn't make a difference - soap is soap. My dad used to use Aussie all the time because it was the only thing that kept his hair in line.

Also use Aim toothpaste from the dollar store instead of the big name brands like Crest and Colgate. The "number one dentist approved" label means nothing, years ago they got that result by paying people to go ask carefully biased questions to a bunch of dentists based on /brand names/ they were familiar with, it has nothing to do with quality. The main thing that Crest does to clean your teeth is just fluoride, and Aim has just as much of it. The only difference is Aim doesn't use as much /minty flavoring/ which a lot of brands use to falsely make you /feel/ like it's somehow more powerful when it's really not.

The price difference between a giant thing of Aim and your average toothpaste at a supermarket is outstanding too - you can get a thing of Aim that's twice the size of most standard tubes you get anywhere else for a dollar or less, but take one trip to Target and you can find a smaller tube of Crest for $3.99 or more.

Also if you really want to get technical with it, I've heard some people say that the way mainstream product formulas work makes the fluoride not bind to your teeth as much as it should, so you end up needing more of it. But I don't know if that's true or not. It just sounds like something a company would do.
No reason given
Edited by Goddess Erosia