Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Boulder318 on image #1898059


Was a rock.
Granny, "Comet-ed through like donner (thunder) and blitzen (lightning), rude-ol-ph-reak in dancer, prancer pants, trying to res-Cu_pid-dling vixen so he could dash_her off to his pole....err North Pole."
Santa crashed in our outback just the other day, test flight of new tech sleigh was a bit of a bugger...  
No reason given
Edited by Boulder318

Was a rock.
Granny, "Comet-ed through like donner (thunder) and blitzen (lightning), rude-ol-ph-reak in dancer, prancer pants, trying to res-Cu_pid-dling vixen so he could dash_her off to his pole....err North Pole."
No reason given
Edited by Boulder318