Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Raneko on image #1955781


"[@Background Pony #0239":](/images/1955781#comment_9012303
Well let's use young heart as an example the individual physical existance of Dinky, Applebloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo. Has ceased they no longer exist as individuals that one can interact with. Sounds like death to me. Also I've never watched DBZ or Steven universe. The only experience i have with the concept of FUsion, is Star Trek Voyager's episode of Tuvix. Also it's also by Author's Fiat that the (most of) audience knows that fusion doesn't = death. But in universe... oh boy the issue wouldn't be as clear cut and are most are waiting for reality ensue. (Which is weird because we're talking about a world of talking technocolor ponies. . Blame TV tropes)
No reason given
Edited by Raneko