Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Snail Pie on image #1966382

Snail Pie
Artist -

"[@Background Pony #FEF3":](/1966382#comment_7961936
Never said it was an act of charity but ok.

And comparing earrings to means of production is false. Earrings are personal property, meaning they are not used to extract a surplus; means of production within capitalist society, for the most part, are private property, meaning they _*are_* used to extract a surplus, specifically surplus value. Where does surplus come from? Social labor. Extracting surplus hence is leeching off of the labor of others, and because most people _*have_* to perform social labor in order to live a decent life -- if a life at all -- they are essentially coerced into it indirectly. In this sense, surplus value extraction, also known as profit, is robbery through the social system; it is, as we call it, exploitation.

We do not want to seize the means of production for charity's sake; we want to seize them because you should not be able to exploit people. You cannot inherently use earrings to leech off of the labor of others; that kind of arrangement can only really exist in a society in which the means of production are privately owned.
No reason given
Edited by Snail Pie
Snail Pie
Artist -

"@Background Pony #FEF3":/1966382#comment_7961936
Never said it was an act of charity but ok.

And comparing earrings to means of production is false. Earrings are personal property, meaning they are not used to extract a surplus; means of production within capitalist society, for the most part, are private property, meaning they _are_ used to extract a surplus, specifically surplus value. Where does surplus come from? Social labor. Extracting surplus hence is leeching off of the labor of others, and because most people _have_ to perform social labor in order to live a decent life -- if a life at all -- they are essentially coerced into it indirectly. In this sense, surplus value extraction, also known as profit, is robbery through the social system.

We do not want to seize the means of production for charity's sake; we want to seize them because you should not be able to exploit people. You cannot inherently use earrings to leech off of the labor of others; that kind of arrangement can only really exist in a society in which the means of production are privately owned.

If you use guns to force people to labor for you (i.e. enslave people), you should not be able to own a gun. Likewise, if you use the means of production to leech off the labor of others, you should not be able to own the means of production. One of the ways we prevent outright slavery is through the government, i.e. a section of society uses its weaponry to prevent it. Likewise, one of the ways we should prevent wage slavery is through the whole of society owning and administrating the means of production democratically.
No reason given
Edited by Snail Pie
Snail Pie
Artist -

"@Background Pony #FEF3":/1966382#comment_7961936
Never said it was an act of charity but ok.

And comparing earrings to means of production is false. Earrings are personal property, meaning they are not used to extract a surplus; means of production within capitalist society, for the most part, are private property, meaning they _are_ used to extract a surplus, specifically surplus value. Where does surplus come from? Social labor. Extracting surplus hence is leeching off of the labor of others, and because most people _have_ to perform social labor in order to live a decent life -- if a life at all -- they are essentially coerced into it indirectly. In this sense, surplus value extraction, also known as profit, is robbery through the social system.

We do not want to seize the means of production for charity's sake; we want to seize them because you should not be able to exploit people. You cannot inherently use earrings to leech off of the labor of others; that kind of arrangement can only really exist in a society in which the means of production are privately owned.

If you use guns to force people to labor for you (i.e. enslave people), you should not be able to own a gun. Likewise, if you use the means of production to forcle pech opleff tohe labor forf youthers, you should not be able to own the means of production. One of the ways we prevent outright slavery is through the government, i.e. a section of society uses its weaponry to prevent it. Likewise, one of the ways we should prevent wage slavery is through the whole of society owning and administrating the means of production democratically.
No reason given
Edited by Snail Pie
Snail Pie
Artist -

"@Background Pony #FEF3":/1966382#comment_7961936
Never said it was an act of charity but ok.

And comparing earrings to means of production is false. Earrings are personal property, meaning they are not used to extract a surplus; means of production within capitalist society, for the most part, are private property, meaning they _are_ used to extract a surplus, specifically surplus value. Where does surplus come from? Social labor. Extracting surplus hence is leeching off of the labor of others, and because most people _have_ to perform social labor in order to live a decent life -- if a life at all -- they are essentially coerced into it indirectly. In this sense, surplus value extraction, also known as profit, is robbery through the social system.

We do not want to seize the means of production for charity's sake; we want to seize them because you should not be able to exploit people. You cannot inherently use earrings to leech off of the labor of others; that kind of arrangement can only really exist in a society in which the means of production are privately owned.

If you use guns to force people to labor for you (i.e. enslave people), you should not be able to own a gun. Likewise, if you use the means of production to force people to labor for you, you should not be able to own the means of production. One of the ways we prevent outright slavery is through the government, i.e. a section of society uses its weaponry to prevent it. Likewise, one of the ways we should prevent wage slavery is through the whole of society owning and administrating the means of production democratically.
No reason given
Edited by Snail Pie
Snail Pie
Artist -

"@Background Pony #FEF3":/1966382#comment_7961936
Never said it was an act of charity but ok.

And comparing earrings to means of production is false. Earrings are personal property, meaning they are not used to extract a surplus; means of production within capitalist society, for the most part, are private property, meaning they _are_ used to extract a surplus, specifically surplus value. Where does surplus come from? Social labor. Extracting surplus hence is leeching off of the labor of others, and because most people _have_ to perform social labor in order to live a decent life -- if a life at all -- they are essentially coerced into it indirectly. In this sense, surplus value extraction, also known as profit, is robbery through the social system.

We do not want to seize the means of production for charity's sake; we want to seize them because you should not be able to exploit people. You cannot inherently use earrings to leech off of the labor of others; that kind of arrangement can only really exist in a society in which the means of production are privately owned.
No reason given
Edited by Snail Pie
Snail Pie
Artist -

"@Background Pony #FEF3":/1966382#comment_7961936
Never said it was an act of charity but ok.

And comparing earrings to means of production is false. Earrings are personal property, meaning they are not used to extract a surplus; means of production within capitalist society, for the most part, are private property, meaning they _are_ used to extract a surplus, specifically surplus value. Where does surplus come from? Social labor. Extracting surplus hence is leeching off of the labor of others, and because most people _have_ to perform social labor in order to live a decent life -- if a life at all -- they are essentially coerced into it indirectly. In this sense, surplus value extraction, also known as profit, is robbery through the social system.

We do not want to seize the means of production for charity's sake; we want to seize them because you should not be able to exploit people. You cannot inherently use earrings to leech off of the labor of others.
No reason given
Edited by Snail Pie
Snail Pie
Artist -

"@Background Pony #FEF3":/1966382#comment_7961936
Never said it was an act of charity but ok.

And comparing earrings to means of production is false. Earrings are personal property, meaning they are not used to extract a surplus; means of production within capitalist society, for the most part, are private property, meaning they _are_ used to extract a surplus, specifically surplus value. Where does surplus come from? Social labor. Extracting surplus hence is leeching off of the labor of others, and because most people _have_ to perform social labor in order to live a decent life -- if a life at all -- they are essentially coerced into it indirectly. In this sense, surplus value extraction, also known as profit, is robbery through the social system.

We do not want to seize the means of production for charity's sake; we want to seize them because you should not be able to exploit people. You cannot use earrings to leech off of the labor of others.
No reason given
Edited by Snail Pie
Snail Pie
Artist -

"@Background Pony #FEF3":/1966382#comment_7961936
Never said it was an act of charity but ok.

And comparing earrings to means of production is false. Earrings are personal property, meaning they are not used to extract a surplus; means of production within capitalist society, for the most part, are private property, meaning they _are_ used to extract a surplus, specifically surplus value. Where does surplus come from? Social labor. Extracting surplus hence is leeching off of the labor of others, and because most people _have_ to perform social labor in order to live a decent life -- if a life at all -- they are essentially coerced into it indirectly. In this sense, surplus value extraction, also known as profit, is robbery.
No reason given
Edited by Snail Pie