Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #1EA6 on image #1973997

Background Pony #1EA6
If this indeed was stolen, you can report the image to the mods or just contact them directly. They're can delete it and make it so it can't be uploaded again, or they can give you exclusive rights to upload your art, or whatever else you'd prefer. They're usually doing their best to comply with artist's requests.
And MS Paint thing is not refering to the actual program, but rather to a sort of "low quality" style that you get from it. I also don't think this tag applies here, this looks better then usual "1000 hours in ms paint" art.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #1EA6
Background Pony #1EA6
If this indeed was stolen, you can report the image to the mods or just contact them directly. They're can delete it and make it so it can't be uploaded again, or they can give you exclusive rights to upload your art, or whatever else you'd prefer. They're usually doing their best to comply with artist's requests.
And MS Paint thing is not refering to the actual program, but rather to a sort of "low quality" style that you get from it. I also don't think this tag applies here, this looks better then usual "1000 hours in ms paint" art.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #1EA6