Viewing last 25 versions of comment by BlueFire65323 on image #2047647

Wallet After Summer Sale -

"[@Background Pony #9455":](/images/2047647#comment_8324067
Welcome to the fandom pal, where everyone cares more about couples than the argument itself.
(Or at least what I saw in other fandoms too, it’s always shipping, but that option not always going to be a good one. Or at least I believe that, because I saw shows in a way that lose their enchants for the shippings, star vs forces of evil or Miraculous ladybug for example)
No reason given
Edited by BlueFire65323
Wallet After Summer Sale -

"@Background Pony #9455":/images/2047647#comment_8324067
Welcome to the fandom pal, where everyone cares more about couples than the argument itself.
No reason given
Edited by BlueFire65323