Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Terminal Rex on image #2061466

Terminal Rex

Going Indognito mode..
I...wasn't being lewd. They were not stealing life to power their magic. If they had done so they would have been worse monsters than chrysalis.

It was attention and adulation they wanted and they used their magic to create disharmony and than gather the negative emotions disharmony generates, which they used to further fuel their magic.

Kinda dickish, but if thats how their species naturally survived, it's easy to see why they didnt consider the morality of their actions at the time.

No reason given
Edited by Terminal Rex
Terminal Rex

Going Indognito mode..
I...wasn't being lewd. They were not stealing life to power their magic. If they had done so they would have been worse monsters than chysalis.

It was attention and adulation they wanted and they used their magic to create disharmony and than gather the negative emotions disharmony generates, which they used to further fuel their magic.

Kinda dickish, but if thats how their species naturally survived, it's easy to see why they didnt consider the morality of their actions at the time.

No reason given
Edited by Terminal Rex