Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Spoonlol on image #2071871


It also just occurred to me that rainbow and scoot’s have opposite parents. Rainbow’s never left her alone and was always supporting while scoot’s were never around.


O yeah that’s what I mean, they want to be good parents and in my opinion they still caould become good ones. They’ve just been away for so long they don’t really understand how.
No reason given
Edited by Spoonlol

It’s also just occurred to me that rainbow and scoot’s have opposite parents. Rainbow’s never left her alone and was always supporting while scoot’s were never around.

O yeah that’s what I mean, they want to be good parents and in my opinion they still can. They’ve just been away for so long they don’t really understand how.
No reason given
Edited by Spoonlol

It’s also just occurred to me that rainbow and scoot’s have opposite parents. Rainbow’s never left her alone and was always supporting while scoot’s were never around.

O yeah that’s what I mean, they want to be good parents and in my opinion they still can. They’ve just been away for so long they don’t really understand how.
No reason given
Edited by Spoonlol