Viewing last 25 versions of comment by ThePoketrix on image #2074565

Non-Fungible Trixie -

Okay I **know** we're not listening to the same song now.

3:53. Watch the lyrics, too. The text glitches and blinks in and out with the stuttering on the 'call' lines, and the text is lower-res on the 'response' lines to be in sync with it passing through the filter.

What, were you listening to the live version? ...Wait, no, it still happens on the live version, because he doesn't sing those 'call' lines live specifically so he can throw the stuttery effects onto those lines.
No reason given
Edited by ThePoketrix
Non-Fungible Trixie -

Okay I *know* we're not listening to the same song now.

3:53. Watch the lyrics, too. The text glitches and blinks in and out with the stuttering on the 'call' lines, and the text is lower-res on the 'response' lines to be in sync with it passing through the filter.

What, were you listening to the live version? ...Wait, no, it still happens on the live version, because he doesn't sing those lines live specifically so he can throw the effects onto those lines.
No reason given
Edited by ThePoketrix