Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #E0DA on image #2077524

Background Pony #E0DA
The concept arts for G5 were spread between DHX and Boulder (obviously, only the DHX half leaked), but Boulder was decided to be the animation studio since... Well, when they decided to make another movie?"

@Background Pony #8DBE":](/images/2077524#comment_8360292
Pretty sure Paramount will distribute (and nothing besides it) all of Hasbro's movies... That's probably why the upcoming movie will be CGI, since Paramount doesn't want nothing to do with 2D movies. As a fan who loves to kave knowledge about voice acting (both English and non-English), the best part of it is that I can speculate on the dubbing studio they plan to use in certain countries.


@Background Pony #2831":](/images/2077524#comment_8360312
They actually want to do the Barnyard thing. Celebrities for the movie, VAs for the series.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #E0DA
Background Pony #E0DA
The concept arts for G5 were spread between DHX and Boulder (obviously, only the DHX half leaked), but Boulder was decided to be the animation studio since... Well, when they decided to make another movie?"

@Background Pony #8DBE":/images/2077524#comment_8360292
Pretty sure Paramount will distribute (and nothing besides it) all of Hasbro's movies... That's probably why the upcoming movie will be CGI, since Paramount doesn't want nothing to do with 2D movies. As a fan who loves to kave knowledge about voice acting (both English and non-English), the best part of it is that I can speculate on the dubbing studio they plan to use in certain countries.

"@Background Pony #2831":/images/2077524#comment_8360312
They actually want to do the Barnyard thing. Celebrities for the movie, VAs for the series.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #E0DA