Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #C86D on image #2120325

Background Pony #C86D
"[@Background Pony #A4DC":](/images/2120325#comment_8381117

This is the VA who ran around sitting in people's laps with the microphone so they could better ask their princess a question while she cojoled them to donate more money to a charity.

She's not like, white-knighting the characters she voices, it's just a role she plays. So... what does she care? $10 is $10.

Now if the guy _*himself_* was a creeper, then maybe. But you'd be surprised at how normal some people asking for some weird shit signed otherwise pass.
Edit: It was the artist of this picture:  
So I think they're cool with each other.
Reason: More info
Edited by Background Pony #C86D
Background Pony #C86D
"@Background Pony #A4DC":/images/2120325#comment_8381117

This is the VA who ran around sitting in people's laps with the microphone so they could better ask their princess a question while she cojoled them to donate more money to a charity.

She's not like, white-knighting the characters she voices, it's just a role she plays. So... what does she care? $10 is $10.

Now if the guy _himself_ was a creeper, then maybe. But you'd be surprised at how normal some people asking for some weird shit signed otherwise pass.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #C86D