Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Hearthstone23 on image #2122372

Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Live from Dalekdome
The Helements of Armory


@Background Pony #627F":](/1259671#comment_5463796
Many moons ago, the evil Tirek tried to steal the greatest power known to ponykind. But an Unicorn named Starswirl the Bearded entrusted them to the founders of Camp Everfree in the human world. As for Tirek... "It's Friendship!" He was blasted deep into Tartarus. Now the Harmony Geodes have been found, and Tirek returns to battle a new team of heroes; they are..._

Power Rangers Harmony Force!*_

No reason given
Edited by Hearthstone23
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Live from Dalekdome
The Helements of Armory

"@Background Pony #627F":/1259671#comment_5463796
_Many moons ago, the evil Tirek tried to steal the greatest power to ponykind. But an Unicorn named Starswirl the Bearded entrusted them to the founders of Camp Everfree in the human world. As for Tirek... "It's Friendship!" He was blasted deep into Tartarus. Now the Harmony Geodes have been found, and Tirek returns to battle a new team of heroes; they are..._

_*Power Rangers Harmony Force!*_

No reason given
Edited by Hearthstone23
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Live from Dalekdome
The Helements of Armory

"@Background Pony #627F":/1259671#comment_5463796
_Many moons ago, the evil Tirek tried to steal the greatest power to ponykind. But an Unicorn named Starswirl the Bearded entrusted them to the founders of Camp Everfree in the human world. As for Tirek... "It's Friendship!" He was blasted deep into Tartarus. Now the Harmony Geodes have been found, and Tirek returns to battle a new team of heroes; they are..._

_*Power Rangers Harmony Force!*_
No reason given
Edited by Hearthstone23