Viewing last 25 versions of comment by GryphonStar5678 on image #2127313

My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Bearded Dialogue Master
Sombra was murdered.

I'll give this might be a salute to Q's ending as stupid as putting that in this show would be, two totally different contexts, reforming them couldn't be part of the plan if GDisocord willingly stood by and did nothing as the main six murder Sombra.
No reason given
Edited by GryphonStar5678
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Bearded Dialogue Master
Sombra was murdered.

I'll give this might be a salute to Q's ending as stupid as putting that in this show would be, two totally different contexts, reforming them couldn't be part of the plan if Gisocrd willingly stood by and did nothing as the main six murder Sombra.
No reason given
Edited by GryphonStar5678
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Bearded Dialogue Master
Sombra was murdered.

I'll give this might be a salute to Q's ending as stupid as putting that in this show would be, reforming them couldn't be part of the plan if Gisocrd willingly stood by and did nothing as the main six murder Sombra.
No reason given
Edited by GryphonStar5678