Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #002F on image #2129874

Background Pony #002F
"[@Brony kaiju soldier":](/images/2129874#comment_8421270

Yup, between those three.

Well Chrysalis is already went insane after she lost her Kingdom.
After Twilight and her friends manage to escape she also said that she's not going to do anything to the wendigo, she want them to turn Equestria into a snowy wasteland after that by then most creature will probably turn into ice

I bet they don't even know how to destroy those ancient creature.

Also look at Twilight face when Chrysalis screaming at them. She truly don't know what to do with them.

No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #002F
Background Pony #002F
"@Brony kaiju soldier":/images/2129874#comment_8421270

Yup, between those three.

Well Chrysalis is already went insane after she lost he Kingdom.
After Twilight and her friends manage to escape she also said that she's not going to do anything to the wendigo, she want them to turn Equestria into a snowy wasteland after that by then most creature will probably turn into ice

I bet they don't even know how to destroy those ancient creature.

Also look at Twilight face when Chrysalis screaming at them. She truly don't know what to do with them.

No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #002F