Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Beau Skunky on image #2164090

Beau Skunky
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
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Join my Beach Party RP!
Yeah, I wanna see it, and give it a shot. Despite all the media & Twitterhead backlash, it's actually doing very good, and most seem to like it.


@northern haste":](/images/2164090#comment_8527284
Yeah, surprised I haven't seen any complaints about that, but basically it's just a possible orgin story, and a stand-alone movie not part of the current DC movieverse.
No reason given
Edited by Beau Skunky
Beau Skunky
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
Artist -

Join my Beach Party RP!
Yeah, I wanna see it, and give it a shot. Despite all the media & Twitterhead backlash, it's actually doing very good, and most seem to like it.

"@northern haste":/images/2164090#comment_8527284
Yeah, surprised I haven't seen any complaints about that, but basically it's just a possible orgin story, and a stand-alone movie not part of the current DC movieverse.
No reason given
Edited by Beau Skunky
Beau Skunky
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
Artist -

Join my Beach Party RP!
Yeah, I wanna see it, and give it a shot. Despite all the media & Twitterhead backlash, it's actually doing very good, and most seem to like it.
No reason given
Edited by Beau Skunky