Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #BF4C on image #2167659

Background Pony #BF4C
"[@Background Pony #14C":](/images/2167659#comment_8660408
I've seen "but appledash is canon tho" on a rarijack post. I've seen "too bad it sunk" in reply to a jokey 'best ship' comment on a twidash post. I've seen a snarky "but none of this could happen in canon anyway because they hinted at AJ and RD instead" on a twidash post. I've seen "you forgot to add Discord reformed and married fluttershy" on an unrelated post for a "Discord's history" headcanon. And more minor than the others because ultimately it's the artist's choice (I don't mean to intend that this is toxic of them at all, but it certainly *hurts*), I know artists that will only do "canon ships", and consider the ambiguous finale teases to be their borderline, negating every other option. Rabid shippers suck too, trust me. We can agree to disagree on who we think is the "worst", I'm okay with that.

Ultimately, I agree people shouldn't go into ship posts (even those related to the finale) and harass people. Don't harass artists. Stick to places that invite discussion, like Twitter screencaps about canonicity. And overall, we should just stay in our respective fields and enjoy what we enjoyed from the epilogue on our own terms.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #BF4C
Background Pony #BF4C
"@Background Pony #14C":/images/2167659#comment_8660408
I've seen "but appledash is canon tho" on a rarijack post. I've seen "too bad it sunk" in reply to a jokey 'best ship' comment on a twidash post. I've seen a snarky "but none of this could happen in canon anyway because they hinted at AJ and RD instead" on a twidash post. I've seen "you forgot to add Discord reformed and married fluttershy" on an unrelated post for a "Discord's history" headcanon. And more minor than the others because ultimately it's the artist's choice, I know artists that will only do "canon ships", and consider the ambiguous finale teases to be their borderline, negating every other option. Rabid shippers suck too, trust me. We can agree to disagree on who we think is the "worst", I'm okay with that.

Ultimately, I agree people shouldn't go into ship posts (even those related to the finale) and harass people. Don't harass artists. Stick to places that invite discussion, like Twitter screencaps about canonicity. And overall, we should just stay in our respective fields and enjoy what we enjoyed from the epilogue on our own terms.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #BF4C