Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #8391 on image #2181358

Background Pony #8391
"[@The New Pony":](/images/2181358#comment_8576142
Me too. This is a very good adaptation of her stained glass! The only nitpick I have is that, judging by Twilight's stained glass, her horn shouldn't be layered behind her bangs in her actual appearance (only behind the crown, depending on what size it is in other angles). Judging by Twilight's stained glass, it was nothing more than an artistic touch (ie: technically not in line with reality).
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #8391
Background Pony #8391
"@The New Pony":/images/2181358#comment_8576142
Me too. This is a very good adaptation of her stained glass! The only nitpick I have is that, judging by Twilight's stained glass, her horn shouldn't be layered behind her bangs in her actual appearance (only behind the crown, depending on what size it is in other angles).
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #8391
Background Pony #8391
"@The New Pony":/images/2181358#comment_8576142
Me too. This is a very good adaptation of her stained glass! The only nitpick I have is that, judging by Twilight's stained glass, her horn shouldn't be layered behind her bangs (only behind the crown, depending on what size it is in other angles).
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #8391