Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #9FC5 on image #2266730

Background Pony #9FC5
"[@Background Pony #9E7C":](/images/2266730#comment_8789398
By "certain people," don't you mean "most?"
I doubt ythouse guys would say such things in a public place, (as that would land you on a certain registry) and "SAFE" rated images are basically a "public place," and not everybody comes here for the hardcore pr0nz, or questionable content. (I have that stuff filtered out, in fact.)

So respecting the SAFE rated comment sections aren't some kind of "evil form of censorship," it should be "common sense."
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #9FC5
Background Pony #9FC5
"@Background Pony #9E7C":/images/2266730#comment_8789398
By "certain people," don't you mean "most?"
I doubt you guys would say such things in a public place, (as that would land you on a certain registry) and "SAFE" rated images are basically a "public place," and not everybody comes here for the hardcore pr0nz, or questionable content. (I have that stuff filtered out, in fact.)

So respecting the SAFE rated comment sections aren't some kind of "evil form of censorship," it should be "common sense."
So quit acting all "ur all being close-minded," over perverse, or disturbing comments on what would otherwise be a safe, friendly image from the official MLP comic series.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #9FC5