Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Wild Zontars on image #2295214

Wild Zontars

I miss unicorn Twilight
"[@Neko Majin C":](/images/2295214#comment_8862394

[quIn broad brush strokes][url=(]In broad brush strokes[/url]), we would like the attractive men to find us attractive and potentially to hit on us and the unattractive men not to notice we are women.

In fact we want a very small percentage of men to find us unbelievably attractive and to hit on us, but in, you know, a nice way. We would like a slightly larger number of men, but still small, to find us very attractive but to do nothing about it (they can talk to each other about how hot and unattainable we are though) and the rest just to completely leave us alone and preferably have no thoughts about us at all.[/quote]
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Edited by Wild Zontars