Viewing last 25 versions of comment by radostt on image #2310281

My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Letting go of the past
Well i'am sorry you feel that way. I think the fandom is what you make it, we are all just people here. We got a good message, and we make good content. I defiantly don't see a lot of Faust worshipers like you say, maybe your just overthinking that one. Yeah Hasbro is a corporation man, Faust got thorown under the bus and the fans don't make it any better. She probably wanted to stay on the team more then she wanted the money, meaning she does care about the fans. Or at least she did while she was on the show.
I see smart loving people on this website everyday; People just get to caught up in their own opinions and become bitter. Good and bad comes in lots of shades of gray.
No reason given
Edited by radostt