Viewing last 25 versions of comment by BluTapeRose95 on image #2341950


"[@Background Pony #6C12":](/images/2341950#comment_8990769
On you with this one. The crew did an awesome job.

To some people, good is not good enough, and the best is never enough. Picky, picky, picky.
I did a project for my History 11, I believe, that was in form of writing. My professor was flabbergasted and got a solid 100/100 grade. The story focused on Native Americans during the time the settlement of Jamestown (so Pocahontas area). Fictional, of course, but my professor asked if I got it from any authors' work due to how accurate, detailed and impressed she was, but it was all my touch. I showed her all the notes and books I used to write novels, characer set-up, plot structure, grammer, and so much more.

The point? It is hard to impress your audience, and that is what one hopes is done the first time or even the second. It is stressing when dealing with picky audiences as if they can do better and not just say but write down a plot with dialogue and story consistency. It is easy for these picky people to judge, but hard for them to be appreciative of what is given.

Who knows? We may see a scene as a special someday. It can happen. Maybe they are already in the works of it. Patience is a virtue.

To the artist of this beautiful artwork, very nice work! Very heart-warming. 💖
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Edited by BluTapeRose95