Viewing last 25 versions of comment by O. Hancock on image #2364327

O. Hancock
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

"[@Background Pony #7D93":](/images/2364327#comment_9049784
¿Que pasa no los dos?

In all seriousness, this is growing on me.

Much in the way a polyp grows on the inside of one's colon.

But still, it's there, and it's growing, and my health insurance won't cover the cost to remove it until it is declared an emergency, by which point it will have metastasized as a full-on, malignant cancer throughout the body and will be rendered mostly unbeatable by 4/5 doctors.

So I might as well cozy up to it for now, cause it's makingde a point that it isn't going anywhere.
No reason given
Edited by O. Hancock
O. Hancock
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

"@Background Pony #7D93":/images/2364327#comment_9049784
¿Que pasa no los dos?

In all seriousness, this is growing on me.

Much in the way a polyp grows on the inside of one's colon.

But still, it's there, and it's growing, and my health insurance won't cover the cost to remove it until it is declared an emergency, by which point it will have metastasized as a full-on, malignant cancer throughout the body and will be rendered mostly unbeatable by 4/5 doctors.

So I might as well cozy up to it for now, cause it's making a point that it isn't going anywhere yet.
No reason given
Edited by O. Hancock