Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Akamia on image #2367711


Veteran MechWarrior
Ah, the good old -~~Black Hawk-~~ Nova. A classic. Too bad it has no torso twist... except when it does, apparently. :P Got the -~~Uller-~~ Kit Fox treatment in its _*MechWarrior_* reintroduction as of MWO, I see.

I like it, but I'm personally partial to the -~~Mad Cat-~~ Timber Wolf, Hunchback IIC, or the -~~Dasher-~~ Fire Moth, the last of which has yet to officially return to _*MechWarrior_* after _*MechWarrior 2_*. I wonder why we haven't seen it come back yet... I miss that thing.

Ah well. At least I can play with it as much as I want in the tabletop.
No reason given
Edited by Akamia